The Glass Menagerie [1] is a memory play by Tennessee Williams that premiered in and catapulted Williams from obscurity to fame.
Literary Classic
The play has Theme Of Feminism In The Glass Menagerie autobiographical elements, Tge characters based on its author, his histrionic mother, and his mentally fragile sister Laura. In writing the play, Williams drew on an earlier short story, as well as a screenplay he had written under the title of The Gentleman Caller.
The play premiered in Chicago in After a shaky start, it was championed by Chicago critics Ashton Stevens and Claudia Cassidywhose enthusiasm helped build audiences so the producers could move the play to Broadway where it won the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award in The Glass Menagerie was Williams' first successful Themee he went on to become one of America's most highly regarded playwrights. A faded Southern belleabandoned by her husband, and who is trying to raise her two children under harsh financial conditions. Amanda yearns for the comforts of her youth and also longs for her children to have the same comforts, but her devotion to them has made her — as she admits at one point — almost "hateful" towards them. Amanda's son. Tom works at a shoe warehouse to support his family but is frustrated by his job and aspires to be a poet.

He struggles to write, all the while being sleep-deprived and irritable. Yet, he escapes from reality through nightly excursions to the movies. Tom feels both obligated toward Theme Of Feminism In The Glass Menagerie burdened by his family and longs to escape. Amanda's daughter and TThe elder sister. A childhood illness has left her with a limp, and she has a mental fragility and an inferiority complex that has isolated her from outside world.
She has created a world of her own symbolized by her collection of glass figurines. The unicorn may represent Laura because it is unique and fragile. An old high school acquaintance of Tom and Laura. Jim was a popular athlete and actor during his days at Soldan High School.
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Subsequent years have been less kind to Jim; however, and by the time of the play's action, he is working as a shipping clerk at the same shoe warehouse as Tom. His hope to shine again is conveyed by his study of public speaking, radio engineering, and ideas of self-improvement that appear related to those of Dale Carnegie. Amanda's absent husband, and Laura's and Tom's father. Wingfield was a handsome man, full of charm, who worked for a telephone company and eventually "fell in love with long-distance," abandoning his family 16 years before Theme Of Feminism In The Glass Menagerie play's action. Although he does not appear onstage, Mr. Wingfield is frequently referred to by Amanda, and his picture is prominently displayed in the Wingfields' living room. This unseen character appears to incorporate elements of Williams' father.
The play is introduced to the audience by Tom, the narrator and protagonist, as a memory play based on his recollection of his mother Amanda and his sister Laura. Because the play is based on memory, Tom cautions the audience that what they see may not be precisely what happened.

Amanda Wingfield, a faded Southern belle of middle age, shares a dingy St. Louis apartment with her son Tom, in click early twenties, and his slightly older sister, Laura. She worries especially about the future of her daughter Laura, a young woman with a limp an after-effect of a bout of pleurosis and a tremulous insecurity about the outside world. Tom works in a shoe warehouse doing his best to support the family. Amanda is obsessed with finding a suitor or, as she puts it, a "gentleman caller" for Laura, her daughter, whose crippling shyness has led her to drop out of both high school and a subsequent secretarial course, and who spends much of her time polishing and arranging her Theme Of Feminism In The Glass Menagerie of little glass animals.
Pressured by his mother to help find a caller for Laura, Tom invites Jim, an acquaintance from work, home for dinner. The delighted Amanda spruces up the apartment, prepares a special dinner, and converses coquettishly with Jim, almost reliving her youth when she had an abundance of suitors calling on her.]
Everything, everything.
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