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The Effects Of Viral Encephalitis On The. The Effects Of Viral Encephalitis On The

The Effects Of Viral Encephalitis On The Video

An inflammation of the brain, encephalitis commonly results from a viral infection, such as the herpes simplex virus.

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People can contract viral encephalitis by eating contaminated food or getting bitten by an insect carrying the virus. The University of Maryland Medical Center points out that each year about 10, to 20, people in the United States get encephalitis 1. While most people recover from viral encephalitis within weeks or months, some people can have long-term effects, Effectss if brain damage occurred.

The Effects Of Viral Encephalitis On The

The MayoClinic. For example, viral encephalitis patients may develop depression, a mood disorder that causes severe sadness and feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. When depressed, patients can have changes in sleep, appetite and weight. Depression patients may develop suicidal thoughts, in which they consider harming or killing themselves. Patients may also become irritable or apathetic. Damage to the brain from viral encephalitis can result in movement problems. Some patients may have weakness, which can affect walking or moving objects. A loss of muscle control may occur The Effects Of Viral Encephalitis On The viral encephalitis 1. The University of Maryland Article source Center notes that patients may have tremors, which are involuntary movements 1.

For example, a patient can have hand tremors, which can affect holding objects. Viral encephalitis can cause cognitive problems in patients, which can affect learning. For example, the University of Maryland Medical Center explains that patients can have memory loss 1. The memory problems can affect previously learned information or cause problems with learning new information.

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Problems concentrating can also occur, which can exacerbate difficulties remembering new information. See more encephalitis can result in other long-term effects, depending on what parts of the brain became affected. The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that patients can have problems with vision, hearing or speech 1. For example, a patient may have slurred speech or blurry vision. Another patient may have hearing loss. Sensation changes can occur, such as numbness or tingling, which can affect one or more Thd. She has her Bachelor of Science in neuroscience and is pursuing a doctorate in clinical health psychology.

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The Effects Of Viral Encephalitis On The

Diseases and Injuries. Written by Lia Stannard. If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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Related Articles. Brain Behav Immun. Herpes simplex virus type 1 in Alzheimer's disease: the enemy within. J Alzheimers Dis. Recent issues in herpes simplex encephalitis. Clin Infect Dis. Steiner I, Benninger F.]

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