Social Commentary Essay On Social Media -

Social Commentary Essay On Social Media - about will

Yet little is understood about which COVID conspiracy theories are popular on Chinese social media, how this differs from misinformation on US social media and what lessons this holds for countering global misinformation. Conspiracy posts and posts attributing responsibility to the US surged during Sino-US confrontations. Debunking posts can be more effective when they come from women and influencers, who are people with large followings on social media. Debunking posts are also more effective when they cite scientists as the source. We believe these techniques could be effective not only in China but in other countries as well. The volume of conspiracy theories and debunking narratives surged during times of Chinese-US conflict from January to April Social Commentary Essay On Social Media

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Social Commentary Essay On Social Media

Paper type: EssaySubject: Technology. Social media was invented to retrieve data, connect people and share information. In recent times, Commentaty of people have a minimum of one social media account either in facebook or twitter. Reason being, people would not like to be felt left out in this fast paced world, where technology is advancing at a tremendous rate. Proponents of social media dibs that it enhances the social connections among people. Social media lets you connect with your populace regardless of your location. Through social media, new friendships and connections are made.

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Unfortunately, these Socal are often not up to par with real life connections. Virtual communication through is much less genuine in comparison with face to face conversations. There is a high risk when communicating with strangers online and this may lead to users having lack of social skills. Facebook and Twitter can be an amazing platform when they are being used for the right purpose, people exploit and abuse it. Not only is social media being abused and misused, but it also has gained a mass following from people who blindly jump on bandwagons wanting to fit in with the crowd.

Don't use plagiarized sources. In this era, it is common that we are comparing ourselves with other individuals. This paired with social media addiction could push many people over the edge and into depression especially amongst younger users who are more impressionable.

Social Commentary Essay On Social Media

When they see people living what they might naively think is the ideal lifestyle, they start lusting over it and would feel inferior about their current situation. With nowhere to turn or no good outlets to speak about their feelings, these young minds often fall prey to stress and depression.

These mental problems are extremely harmful.

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From Text A, the Co,mentary show that Facebook affects the mental health of the user. These results were particularly strong for mental health; most measures of Facebook use in one year predicted a decrease in mental health in a later year. This shows how much of a negative impact Facebook has caused to their users with regards to their mental health. Too much exposure to social media such as staying up late and scrolling through a myriad of content or chatting with friends could read more in dire health issues. Social media is, and will persist to be, adverse, unless the user exercises control. The control it has over individuals is unsafe and frequently goes inconspicuous.


Everyone should take note of the harmful effects. In the event that not tended to, or taken care of, social media seem cause issues around the world. Social media slows down interpersonal development and increments narcissism in clients.]

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