Short Story Daddy No ! -

Short Story Daddy No ! - remarkable, rather

Oona lets Alice in on her side-hustle: selling her underwear to men on the internet. Alice ends up doing the same. Ben is a former magazine editor, now unhirable after unnamed misdemeanours. Power is alluring, and sexual attraction is not incompatible with moral revulsion — a dynamic Cline probes in several of the most powerful stories. The risk of writing fiction about phenomena that have saturated the media is that it provokes precisely this kind of mental logging and comparison; a riffling through the Rolodex of recent scandals. This may explain why Cline often withholds the turbulent events at the centre of her stories. Short Story Daddy No ! Short Story Daddy No !

Short Stories. The eagerly-awaited new book by Emma Cline, author of the global phenomenon The Girls.


The stories in Emma Cline's stunning first collection consider the dark corners of human experience, exploring the fault lines of power between men and women, parents and children, past and present. A man travels to his son's school to deal with the fallout of a violent attack source to make sure his son will not lose his college place.

But what exactly has his son done? And who is to blame?

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A young woman trying to make it in LA, working Dadxy a clothes shop while taking acting classes, turns to a riskier way of making money but will be forced to confront the danger of the game she's playing. And a family coming together for Christmas struggle to skate over the lingering darkness caused by the very ordinary brutality of a troubled husband and father. These outstanding stories examine masculinity, male power and broken relationships, while revealing - with astonishing insight and clarity - those moments of misunderstanding that can have Short Story Daddy No ! consequences. And there is an unexpected violence, ever-present but unseen, in the depiction of the complicated interactions between men and women, and families.

Short Story Daddy No !

Subtle, sophisticated and displaying an extraordinary understanding of human behaviour, these stories are unforgettable. Add to Cart.

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