Synopsis Of The Novel Great Gatsby By -

Synopsis Of The Novel Great Gatsby By - join

The Great Gatsby is a novel by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. Set in the Jazz Age on Long Island , the novel depicts narrator Nick Carraway 's interactions with mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and Gatsby's obsession to reunite with his former lover, Daisy Buchanan. The novel was inspired by a youthful romance Fitzgerald had with a socialite , and by parties he attended on Long Island's North Shore in Following a move to the French Riviera , he completed a rough draft in Synopsis Of The Novel Great Gatsby By Synopsis Of The Novel Great Gatsby By Synopsis Of The Novel Great Gatsby By

Book: The Great Gatsby. Upon opening F. After moving West Egg, a fictional area home to the newly rich, Greag meets his neighbor Jay Gatsby — a disgustingly wealthy man well known for the parties he throws.

He comes off as an innocent young man with high hopes and unrealistic dreams, which he has completely structured his life around.

Synopsis Of The Novel Great Gatsby By

It faced, or seemed to face, the whole external world for an instant and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. As the story unfolds, more about Gatsby is revealed, and it becomes increasingly obvious that he is not as great as the title makes him out to be; even his name is not what it seems.

Gatsby was born into an impoverished family as James Gatz in pastoral North Dakota.

For years, Gatsby centered his entire existence on climbing his way up to the top where Daisy sat so elegantly on the pedestal he created for her in his warped mind. All the parties — the glitz, the glamor — were simply to gain her attention. This shows a horribly desperate, almost pathetic, Syjopsis of Gatsby — one which does not coincide with his persona. By chapter seven of The Great Gatsby, any chance of Jay Gatsby being perceived as the same lovesick, charming young man as he was at the start of the novel has been blown completely out of the water. The reader learns of his surprising, read more past.

In a way, Gatsby is like a phoenix — a bird that is born out of its own ashes. He is like this in the that he, too, picked himself out of the ashes and created something of himself. He practically invented a whole new identity. The life he cultivated for himself was built on sketchy crimes and the outlandish hope of winning Gxtsby the love of an old sweetheart, a sweetheart who could never live up to the qualities expected of her.

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Gatsby was never the man he portrayed himself to be; he was never really great at all. His entire life practically consisted of one goal: to win back a girl he lost long ago. When do you think the climax occurs? Crazed with the need for confrontation, Tom accuses Gatsby of lying about attending Oxford and then asks what his intentions for Daisy are.

Synopsis Of The Novel Great Gatsby By

Foolishly, Gatsby tells Tom that Daisy never Gatsbby him, to which Tom says that he and Daisy have a history that Gatsby would never understand. Tom drives the nail into the coffin by openly accusing Gatsby of bootlegging, and Daisy feels herself become more and more attached to Tom as the two bicker. Wanting her to end all the questioning, Gatsby asks Daisy to admit everything.]

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