Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell -

Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell

Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell Video

President Obama Repeals \

Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell - suggest you

Email your representatives and tell them to make it part of the. Tell your Representatives in Congress: Stop penalizing public service! Sign NEA's. Feb 09, bill unless Congress agrees to scrap liability protection for social media companies. Feb 09, the Obama administration's decision to work with Congress to repeal the law this year. Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell

In the final minutes of a Senate hearing Wednesday with Gen. Peter Pace, things got really interesting. Pace revisited the issue in the Senate committee. Anti-war protestors in the audience booed and caused a bit of a ruckus.

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After Dpnt back and forth with Pace about the closing of Guantanamo, Harkin had just one more comment. Millions of Americans are gay men lesbian women, and they are some of our most upstanding, law-abiding, moral citizens that we have …. It makes no judgment about their morality.

Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell

According to a congressional report, more than 9, troops were discharged from the armed forces because of the policy from to In fiscal yearmore than were discharged. Meanwhile, the military is working hard Dojt recruit soldiers and offering re-enlistment bonuses to attract and retain troops. Name required.

Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell

Email will not be published. Endorsements and a New TV Ad. Iowa Sen. Harkin wins fifth term. Privacy Policy - Contact Us. Tom Harkin Iowa's U. It was all started by Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin. The audience was cheering throughout.

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And then there is reality. Contribute Action Center. Paid for and authorized by Citizens for Harkin.]

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