Psychological And Psychological Factors And The Theory -

Psychological And Psychological Factors And The Theory Psychological And Psychological Factors And The Theory

The psychology of color as it relates to persuasion is one of the most Facotrs — and most controversial — aspects of marketing. At Help Scout we believe here problem has always been depth of analysis.

These surface-level discussions leave us unequipped to make smart decisions about how to use the color spectrum to convey the right message with our marketing and branding. But why Psychological And Psychological Factors And The Theory such a potentially colorful conversation so unwaveringly shallow? Color psychology is the study of how colors affect perceptions and behaviors. But the truth is that color is too dependent on personal experiences to be universally translated to specific feelings. Research shows that personal preferences, experiences, upbringings, cultural differences, and context muddy the effect that individual colors have Psychllogical us. So the idea that colors such as yellow or purple are able to evoke some sort of hyper-specific emotion is about as accurate as your standard palm reading.

The problem with the psychology of color in marketing and branding

The key is to look for practical ways to make decisions about color. The bottom line is that there are no clear-cut guidelines for choosing colors for your brand. In a studyresearchers found that the relationship between brands and color hinges on the perceived appropriateness of the Psychological And Psychological Factors And The Theory being used for the particular brand. And while certain colors do broadly align with specific traits e. Additional research on color perception and color preferences shows that when it comes to shades, Psychological And Psychological Factors And The Theory, and hues, men generally prefer bold colors while women prefer softer colors. Also, men were more likely to select shades of colors as their favorites colors with black addedwhereas women are more receptive to tints of colors colors with white added.

Brands can easily work outside of gender stereotypes. Additional studies have revealed that our brains prefer immediately recognizable brandswhich makes color an important element when creating a brand identity. Choosing the right color can help your brand stand out. Research clearly shows that participants are able to recognize and recall an item far better — be it text or an image — when it blatantly sticks out from its surroundings.

Two studies on color combinations, one measuring aesthetic response and the other looking at consumer preferencesfound that while a large majority of consumers prefer color patterns with similar hues, they also favor palettes with a highly contrasting accent color. In terms of color coordination, this means creating a visual structure consisting of base analogous colors and contrasting them with accent complementary or tertiary colors:. This concept plays a big role in marketing, too.

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Why does this matter? Understanding these principles will help keep you from drinking the conversion rate optimization Kool-Aid that misleads so many people. Consider, for instance, this oft-cited example of a boost in conversions due to a change in button color. The button change to red boosted conversions by 21 percent. Red, meanwhile, provides a stark visual contrast and is a complementary color to green.

Psychological And Psychological Factors And The Theory

More sign-ups and more clicks are just single measurements — often misleading ones that marketers try to game simply because they can be so easily measured. Although different colors can be perceived in different ways, the descriptive names of those colors matter as well. Additional research finds that the same effect applies to a wide variety of products; consumers rated elaborately named paint colors as more pleasing to the eye than their simply named counterparts.

Psychological And Psychological Factors And The Theory

It has also been shown that more unusual and unique color names are preferable for everything from jelly beans to sweatshirts.]

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