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Polling and Analysis. But the Catholic share of the Hispanic population is declining, while rising numbers of Hispanics are Protestant or unaffiliated with any religion. Together, these trends suggest that some religious polarization is taking place in the Hispanic community, with the shrinking majority of Hispanic Catholics holding the middle ground between two growing groups evangelical Protestants and the unaffiliated that are at opposite ends of the U. The share of Hispanics who are Catholic likely click here been in decline for at least the last few decades. The long-term decline in the Chufch of Catholics among Hispanics may partly reflect religious changes underway in Latin America, where evangelical churches have been gaining adherents and the share of those with no religious click has been slowly rising in a region that historically has been overwhelmingly Catholic.
Hispanics leaving Catholicism have tended to move in two directions. Some have become born-again or evangelical Protestants, a group that exhibits very high levels of religious commitment. On average, Hispanic evangelicals — many of whom also identify as either Pentecostal or charismatic Protestants — not only report higher rates of church attendance than Hispanic Catholics but also tend to be more engaged in other religious The Catholic And Catholic Church, including Scripture reading, Bible study groups Cathllic sharing their faith. At the same time, other Hispanics have become religiously unaffiliated — that is, they describe themselves as having no particular religion or say they are atheist or agnostic.

This group exhibits much lower levels of religious observance and involvement than Hispanic Catholics. In this respect, unaffiliated Hispanics roughly resemble the religiously unaffiliated segment of the general public. Hispanic Catholics are somewhere in the middle. They fall in between evangelicals and the unaffiliated in terms of church attendance, frequency Chyrch prayer and the degree of importance they assign to religion in their lives, closely resembling white non-Hispanic Catholics in their moderate levels of religious observance and engagement see Chapter 3.
These three Hispanic religious groups also have distinct social and political views, with evangelical Protestants at the conservative end of the spectrum, the unaffiliated at the liberal end and Hispanic Catholics in between. The survey was conducted May July 28,among a representative sample of 5, Hispanic adults ages 18 and older living in the United States. The The Catholic And Catholic Church was conducted in English and in Spanish on both cellular Cathoilc landline telephones with a staff of bilingual interviewers. The margin of error for results based on all respondents is plus or minus 2.

For more details, see Appendix A: Survey Methodology. The remainder of this overview discusses the key findings in greater detail, beginning with a deeper look at changes in religious affiliation among Cahtolic in recent years, which have been concentrated among young and middle-aged adults ages While these shifts are complicated and defy any single, simple explanation, the report examines some potential factors, including patterns in religious switching since childhood, the reasons Latinos most frequently give for changing their religion, areas of agreement and disagreement with the Catholic Church, and the continuing appeal of Pentecostalism. The report also explores key differences between Latino religious groups, placing Latino Protestants, Catholics and Implications for Economic Growth unaffiliated adults on a spectrum in terms of religious commitment, social attitudes and political views.
The recent changes in religious affiliation are broad-based, occurring among Hispanic men and women, those born The Catholic And Catholic Church the United States and those born abroad, and those who have attended college as well as those with less formal education.
The changes are also occurring among Hispanics of Mexican origin the largest single origin group and those with other origins. The change, however, Churcu occurred primarily Catuolic Hispanic adults under the age of 50, and the patterns vary considerably among different age groups. Among the youngest cohort of Hispanic adults, those agesvirtually all of the net change has been away from Catholicism and toward no religious affiliation. Among those agesthe net movement has been away The Catholic And Catholic Church Catholicism and toward both evangelical Protestantism and no religious affiliation. Among Hispanics ages 50 and older, the changes in religious identity are not statistically significant.
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For more on religious affiliation, see Chapter 1. Even though the percentage of Hispanics who identify as Catholic has been declining, Hispanics continue to make up an increasingly large share of U. Catholics were Hispanic, according to Pew Research surveys. Both trends can occur at the same time because of the growing size of the Hispanic population, which has increased from Indeed, if both trends continue, a day could come when The Catholic And Catholic Church majority of Catholics in the United States will be Hispanic, even though the majority of Hispanics might no longer be Catholic. While the decline in Catholic affiliation is occurring among multiple age groups, it is more pronounced among younger generations of Hispanics. The decline in Catholic affiliation among Latinos is due, at least in part, to changes in religious affiliation since childhood.]
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