Does Your Parents Have An Authoritative Or -

Does Your Parents Have An Authoritative Or

My husband is traditional, he is smart and successful but when it comes to parenting he is old school and harsh. Listen to their cries and not get annoyed by them but understand them, guide them at their pace and give them love but he chooses the opposite in regards to discipline. What can I do and I can we stop the non stop arguing?

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You have to sell him on the Montessori method as being a superior method. To sell someone on the Montessori method that has been raised themselves alternatively is going to be very difficult especially if the subject was not raised before the child was born and then choosing to Does Your Parents Have An Authoritative Or it up during the terrible two's. Also realize you may not be a credible source since you were probably far less knowledgeable about the Montessori method before you had a child, so you may have to get others involved to make your sales pitch. Perhaps a friend whose children were raised in the Montessori method would be best.

The alternative is to respect his method of parenting in the same way you want him to respect yours. They can co-exist. Your arguments between you and your husband are about your belief the two methods can't exist.

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Most kids who go to Montessori schools were not raised in the Montessori parenting method. As a result the child learns that different adults have different expectations and act accordingly. Read the parenting books and watch parenting videos together. What is your aim, both of you? To bring confident, responsible people into the adult world? To make a lot of Does Your Parents Have An Authoritative Or To feel loved and valued?

Most of us rely on our own upbringing as a model, which is not necessarily the best way for every child. What does a "stern voice" create other Youg fear; fear is not respect. Punishments are negative; they are Autnoritative, of course, but it's more about creating boundaries and security rather than fear, surely? Tantrums are a part of most children's emotional development; they do need dealing with, of course, but punishments are seldom appropriate.

Read the books! Discipline comes after the guiding, understanding and patience. Neither is in lieu of the other.

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The key to preventing tantrums is not rewarding tantrums. Bad behavior can not be rewarded or accepted. Society in America has been trying the no discipline everyone gets a trophy new school for a while, it's not panning out.

Mistakes cost jobs. Crimes equal prison. People trying to avoid this reality of life are at Authorigative disadvantage.]

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