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Garfield was shot by an assassin four months into his presidency and died two months later.

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He is the only sitting member of the United States House of Representatives to be elected to the presidency. Garfield was born into poverty in a log cabin and grew My Occupation Paper Legal Field poor in Northeast Ohio. After graduating from Williams CollegeGarfield studied law and became an more info before entering politics as a Republican in He served as a member of the Ohio State Senate from to Garfield opposed Confederate secessionserved as a major general in the Union Army during the American Civil Warand fought in the battles of Leagl CreekShilohand Chickamauga. He was first elected to Congress in to represent Ohio's 19th district. Throughout Garfield's congressional service after the war, he firmly supported the gold standard and gained a reputation as a skilled orator.

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He initially agreed with Radical Republican views on Reconstructionbut later favored a moderate approach to civil rights enforcement for freedmen. At the Republican National Conventiondelegates chose Garfield, who had not sought the White House, as a compromise presidential nominee on the 36th ballot. In the presidential electionhe conducted a low-key front porch campaign and narrowly defeated Democrat Winfield Scott Hancock. My Occupation Paper Legal Field accomplishments as president included a resurgence of presidential authority against senatorial courtesy in executive appointments, purging corruption in the Post Officeand appointing a U. Supreme Court justice.

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He enhanced the powers My Occupation Paper Legal Field the presidency when he Occuppation the powerful New York senator Roscoe Conkling by appointing William H. Robertson to the lucrative post of Collector of the Port of New Yorkstarting a fracas that ended with Robertson's confirmation and Conkling's resignation from the Senate. Garfield advocated agricultural technology, an educated electorate, and civil rights for African Americans.

He also proposed substantial civil service reforms, which were passed by Congress in and signed into law by his successor, Chester A. On July 2,Charles J. The wound was not immediately fatal, but he died on September 19,from infections caused by his doctors.

My Occupation Paper Legal Field

Guiteau was executed for Garfield's murder in June Orange Township had been in the Western Reserve untiland like many who settled there, Garfield's ancestors were from New England, his ancestor Edward Garfield immigrating from HillmortonWarwickshireEngland, to Massachusetts around James's father Abram had been born in Worcester, New York My Occupation Paper Legal Field, and came to Ohio to woo his childhood sweetheart, Mehitabel Ballou, only to find her married. He instead wed her sister Eliza, who had been born in New Hampshire. James was named for an older brother who died in infancy. In earlyAbram and Eliza Garfield joined the Church of Christa decision that shaped their youngest son's life.

James took his mother's side and when Belden died innoted it in his diary with satisfaction.

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Poor and fatherless, Garfield was mocked by his fellow boys, and was very sensitive to slights throughout his life. He escaped by reading all the books he could find. Rejected by the only ship in port in ClevelandGarfield instead found work on a canal boat, responsible for managing the mules that pulled it. After six weeks, illness forced Garfield Myy return home and, during Myy recuperation, his mother and My Occupation Paper Legal Field local education official got him to promise to postpone his return to the canals for a year and go to school. At Geauga Academywhich he attended from toGarfield learned academic subjects for which he had not previously had time. He excelled as a student, and was especially interested in languages and elocution. He began to appreciate the power a speaker had over an audience, writing that the speaker's platform "creates some excitement. I love agitation and investigation and glory in defending unpopular truth against popular error.]

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