Comparison Of Various Metallization Schemes For Ohmic -

Comparison Of Various Metallization Schemes For Ohmic - for that

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Grenoble Alpes, Univ.

Comparison Of Various Metallization Schemes For Ohmic

E-mail: lionel. Metallic nanowire networks represent a promising solution for a new generation of transparent and flexible devices, including touch screens, solar cells and transparent heaters. They, however, lack stability under thermal and electrical stresses, often leading to the degradation of nanowires, which results in the loss of electrical percolation paths.

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We propose a comprehensive description of the degradation mechanism in a metallic nanowire network subjected to electrical stress. The nanowire network degradation is ascribed, at a very local scale, to the hot-spot formation and the subsequent propagation of a spatially correlated disruptive crack. We compare the behaviour of actual networks under electrical and thermal stresses to dynamic simulations of randomly deposited sticks on a 2D surface, and a thermal phenomenon simulated in a metal thin film. On one hand, such comparison allows us to deduce an average junction resistance between nanowires. On the other hand, we observed that initial flaws in a discrete network result in a local current density increase in the surrounding area, further leading to an amplified Joule effect. This phenomenon promotes the spatial correlation in the damage of the percolating network.

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Such non-reversible failure of the transparent electrode is in good agreement with experimental observations. However, AgNW networks tend to degrade under electrical and thermal stresses, especially for the very demanding transparent heater applications but also for solar applications.

Comparison Of Various Metallization Schemes For Ohmic

Conversely to thermally induced instability which affects uniformly the whole specimen; during electrical breakdown, Sannicolo et al. The crack propagation is time dependent and its growth can be directly tracked with an infrared IR camera. Successful simulations of metallic nanowire networks have been described with a random arrangement of linear sticks on a 2D surface.]

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