Intercultural Communication Is Defined As A Study -

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Coronavirus covid : read the safety instructions. Protect yourself and protect those around you. This interactive Webinar aims to prepare students of all levels and study areas to experience different cultures and communicate with people of other cultural backgrounds. It will also encourage them to think critically about Self-Transcendence, Global Peace, the Sustainable Development Goals and how citizens can contribute to a better world by accepting cultural differences. More information here.

Intercultural Communication Is Defined As A Study Video

Introduction to intercultural communication Intercultural Communication Is Defined As A Study

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Intercultural Communication Is Defined As A Study

When talking about intercultural communication, immigration come to mind. Analyze this concept and two concerns related to it. Immigration; one of the biggest and more controversial topics in the last years. In reality, this is a problem go here in one way or another every country has seen and experienced. In the history of the United States is present, since the first time when Africans were imported to the U.

S to perform slave labor. Since then many people state that the United States is a country of immigrants. In current years there has been an increase, and a significant impact in the social landscape since the foreign-born population is increasing day by day.

Intercultural Communication Is Defined As A Study

These not only affect old and young people that are struggling and seeking to live a better life but ultimately also affect society in general. Immigrant people experience many difficulties in their journey, and even more when they get to live in the United States. We need to take into account that each immigrant experience is different from each other, but two factors are always present and are an obstacle; discrimination and the U-curve theory. The first factor; it is a behavior, it is the action of excluding, avoidance or distance oneself from other groups which according to Judith N, Martin and Thomas K. So, you would ask, what discrimination have to do with immigration?


It is simple as a minority group for example in the United States, immigrants are always facing this problem in their everyday lives; at schools, in their this web page, and even in their job Intercultural Communication Is Defined As A Study in the hiring process. The second factor that immigrants faced is related to the U-curve theory of adaptation. In the first phase, the immigrant experiences anticipation and excitement principally if the immigrant moved to the other culture voluntarily. On the second phase, we have the well-known culture shock where migrant experience a feeling of discomfort or disorientation because of the lack of familiar cues in the environment. During this period the person can also experience an identity crisis since we are no more exposed constantly to our original culture.

The final phase is adaptation where progressively learn the customs and rules of the new culture. These phases can take months or even years, or even Syudy back and forth or stay stuck in one phase. This is a gradual process. Immigration is a very broad topic we can relate to so many chapters in this book, but I think that the main point that we can relate to immigration is these two because it represents real problems that all immigrant experience Com,unication cultures. Communications is an important concept expose throughout our book. Explain further this concept and the different issues linked with it.

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What would be of life without communication? I cannot imagine. Communication involves a process of several components like a message, the people who communicate and a channel.

Intercultural Communication Is Defined As A Study

Thanks to this we can say that communication is dynamic; in other words; it is an ongoing process because, for example, the persons who are communicating are at the same time the receivers and the senders.]

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