The Legacy Of The Magna Carta -

The Legacy Of The Magna Carta Video

Radicals and Reformers: Magna Carta and its Legacy (ep 5) The Legacy Of The Magna Carta

Focusing on the roles, influences and experiences played by the women of the great baronial families of England in and beyond, I will be looking at the entire scope of the subject whilst paying acknowledgement of the place of Nottinghamshire in the story of the birth of this most famous document. Magna Carta clause No man shall be taken, imprisoned, outlawed, banished or in any way destroyed, nor will we proceed against or prosecute him, except by the lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land.

The Legacy Of The Magna Carta

Matilda was not the only woman who influenced, or was influenced by, the Charter of Liberties, now known as Magna Carta. Women from many of the great families of England were affected by the far-reaching legacy of Magna Carta, from their experiences in the civil war and as hostages, to calling on its use to protect their property and rights as widows.

To book your ticket for the 16th February Ladies of Magna Carta free online talk in Ldgacy with Nottinghamshire Local History Association, click here. Reblogged this on Dave Loves History.

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