A Review On Coaching And Mentoring - amazonia.fiocruz.br

A Review On Coaching And Mentoring A Review On Coaching And Mentoring A Review On Coaching And Mentoring

Activity 2 After your meeting with the executive team, you have been asked to provide them with a summary of your assessment of the current coaching and mentoring arrangements and advice going forward. In your report you should outline: A set of recommendations based on your assessment You should then either provide: A summary of how you could contribute to the further development of coaching and mentoring in their organisation.

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Activity 2 A set of justified recommendations and support proposal of approximately words. You should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way organisations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using organisational examples for illustration.

All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where appropriate these should be excluded from the word count. I agree to this work being subjected to scrutiny by textual analysis software if required. I understand that until such time as the assessment grade has been ratified through internal and external quality assurance processes it is not final. Close Menu About Us. Purchase Confirmation.


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A Review On Coaching And Mentoring

You have been asked to provide a briefing paper to the executive team on current thinking around coaching and mentoring and some early ideas on how you might support them with implementing a robust programme of coaching and mentoring that meets their current and changing business needs. You have met with the HR department to assess the situation and have discovered that there is no formal coaching and mentoring programme per se.


Any coaching and mentoring that does occur is ad hoc. There is a willingness to formalise coaching and mentoring in the organisation but uncertainty about how to go about it. Performance reviews in the organisation have identified the need for employees to develop better customer care and IT skills as a priority. Activity 1 The executive team have requested a briefing paper as the basis for an initial discussion. In your brief you should include: An explanation of the terms coaching and mentoring, their similarities and differences, their respective purposes and key benefits for different stakeholders.]

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