The Use Of Gamma Irradiation On The -

The Use Of Gamma Irradiation On The

The Use Of Gamma Irradiation On The Video

TechTalk: Fundamentals of Gamma Irradiation Sterilization The Use Of Gamma Irradiation On The

In the search for domestic natural additives favored by consumers for food flavor and antioxidant Irtadiation, this work aimed to estimate the influence of the substitution of sucrose by date syrup treated with gamma rays on the physico-chemical properties, antioxidant capacity and organoleptic quality of yogurt. The obtained results showed that gamma irradiation improved the microbiological quality of the date syrup while retaining its physicochemical quality.

In fact, a significant reduction of the microbial charge was observed.


The two-irradiation doses were proven not affected the total sugars, proteins, phenols or the syrup antioxidant activity. Besides, water content and color indices were found to decrease. Furthermore, yogurt with irradiated date syrup gave good sensory scores.

The Use Of Gamma Irradiation On The

This gamma irradiation guarantees a biological method for preserving the syrup for its use in the engineering of processes applied to the dairy industry. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution.

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The Use Of Gamma Irradiation On The

Ind Crops Prod — Not Bot HortiAgrobo 39 2 — Akpinar A, Saygili D, Yerlikaya O Production of set-type yoghurt using Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus durans strains with probiotic potential as starter adjuncts. Int J Dairy Technol 73 4 — Food NutrSci — Google Scholar. Food Chem —]

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