The Relationship Between Cerebellum And Basal Ganglia Video
Basal Ganglia - UBC Flexible Neuroanatomy - Season 1 - Ep 7 The Relationship Between Cerebellum And Basal GangliaMetrics details. Although several brain networks play important roles in cervical dystonia CD patients, regional homogeneity ReHo changes in CD patients have not been clarified. We investigated to explore ReHo in CD patients at rest and analyzed its correlations with symptom severity as measured by Tsui scale. A total of 19 CD patients and 21 gender- age- and education-matched healthy controls underwent fMRI scans at rest state. Data were analyzed by ReHo method. Moreover, the right precentral gyrus, right insula, and bilateral middle cingulate gyrus also showed increased ReHo values. Peer Review reports.

Cervical dystonia CD is a neurologic disorder characterized by involuntary sustained contractions of the cervical musculature, read article the head to rotate abnormally or tilt in a particular directions [ 1 ]. The head may typically turn to a specific direction resulting in torticollis, laterocollis, anterocollis or retrocollis [ 19 ].
The disorder is frequently accompanied by head tremor and chronic neck pain [ 17 ]. Analysis of the influence of CD on work productivity has confirmed the substantial negative influence of CD on employment, with CD-related pain as a particularly important driver [ 27 ]. Moreover, CD patients sustain significantly psychosocial disability and decline of life quality. Thus, it is important to identify CD patients and provide them with effective treatment.

However, the pathophysiology underlining the disorder is only partly understood. Developments in neuroimaging techniques opened new avenues for detailed investigation of structural changes and regional activities in the brain involved in the pathophysiology of CD. Some CD patients show structural alterations in the basal gangli, thalamus, cerebellum, motor cortex, and supplementary motor cortices [ 91029343547 ].
In addition, a negative correlation between putamen volume and symptom severity in CD patients has been reported [ 8 ]. Functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI results are consistent with that of structural neuroimaging. Results from fMRI researches demonstrate aberrant activation in basal ganglia, premotor, and motor-related areas [ 56 ]. In general, growing evidences indicated that not The Relationship Between Cerebellum And Basal Ganglia the basal ganglia but also the cerebellum and sensorimotor cortices may be conducive to the pathology of CD. However, results are not merely contradictory, and whether these changes causative or compensatory is still uncertain.
Therefore, the pathology of CD is remain unclear. Independent component analysis ICA and seed-based region of interest ROI are two methods most widely employed for analyzing the resting-state data. Both methods present several significant benefits and disadvantages that have stated previously [ 44 ]. Given the shortcomings of both methods, the present study uses a method called regional homogeneity ReHo to examine the regional homogeneity in CD patients. In addition, asymmetric activity patterns have observed in CD patients [ 46 ], but these patterns were remain uncertain. Thus, a measure of regional homogeneity might give a better insight on this aspect.
ReHo is a measurement of similarity or synchronicity of the time series of nearest neighboring voxels.
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A lower ReHo may imply hypoactive in the regional area, and vice versa [ 46 ]. Aberrant ReHo could indicate the disturbance of temporal aspects of neural activity and be related to pathophysiology underlining disorder [ 37 ]. So far, ReHo has been well applied in study of schizophrenia, depression and somatization disorder [ 12132437 ]. We hypothesize that CD patients would show abnormal regional homogeneity, particularly the motor-related areas. The Relationship Between Cerebellum And Basal Ganglia total of 21 right-handed CD patients were originally recruited. Exclusion criteria for CD group were as follows: 1 secondary spasmodic torticollis that is definitely diagnosed; 2 any history of here medical Cerbeellum neurological illness; 3 any history of botulinum toxin treatment, related medical treatment, or operation therapy in the three recent months; and 4 any history of neurological or psychiatric disorders.
Healthy controls were simultaneously recruited from the community. Each healthy control was right-handed and group-matched in gender, and age. Exclusion criteria for the control group were as follows: 1 any history of serious medical or neurological illness; 2 any history of severe neuropsychiatric diseases; and 3 any family history neurological or psychiatric disorders in their first-degree relatives.
Every patients were evaluated using Tsui scale [ 43 ] to measure symptom severity of CD.]
Rather quite good topic
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