The Ethics Of Belief System -

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Why be moral? You can step up and pick the belief system with which you are the most comfortable, cafeteria-style, but surely they cannot all be right? Is it fair to characterize any belief system as little more than a series of rationalizations that attempt to give order to, and make sense of, a life that is purposeless and a universe that is random? When faced with ethical decisions what path or alternative paths might individuals take to facilitate their solution determination process? Was the financial crisis of inevitable given the state of moral and ethical decision making in the global business environments or a random event in a random universe that has no purpose beyond simply existing? This is a notification that can be used for cookie consent or other important news. It also got a modal window now!

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Autonomy and fidelity are both applied in my life. I am a kind of person who has strong principle in life and not easily persuade by outside forces; thus, I am also extremely faithful to what I do. However, as fidelity being describe as truthful, I would say that fidelity is more prominent in my belief system.

The Ethics Of Belief System

I am very truthful in everything I do. I cherish things with all my heart.

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I believe that there is no autonomy when an individual does not believe in fidelity. Fidelity should come first before you will become autonomous.

The Ethics Of Belief System

In addition, I believe that fidelity is read more just important in relationships and friendships but also a superb requirement in serving and treating others as an act of showing love and concern. Fidelity motivates me to do what is right in the sight of our Creator and in the sight of men. It helps me not to be partial with my dealings with other people but with genuine intentions. It gives me, too, a motivation not to betray the trust of other people especially those who are so dear in my heart. Moreover, most people nowadays are having the hard time Brlief facing their own feelings.

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I must say that I am a kind of an individual source does not run away from the truth. I have the courage and strength to face the reality because that is what fidelity has taught me.

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