The Great Divide How And Why The -

The Great Divide How And Why The The Great Divide How And Why The

Not so long ago, Khabib Nurmagomedov was named the best UFC fighter, regardless of weight categories. However, today many disagree that this fighter is continue reading the best in history. Experts of Meta. The question of whether Khabib Nurmagomedov is the greatest champion and the best fighter of all times and peoples has been raised for a long time. Many UFC fighters questioned the epithets with which Khabib was awarded by various functionaries in the world of mixed martial arts. Even Dana White, the head of the UFC, admitted that the Dagestani athlete is, in his opinion, the best fighter at the moment, but not the best in history he considers such a light heavyweight John Jones, who won 26 wins in 28 fights but was caught using doping.

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Of course, Khabib is very popular in the Muslim world and millions of people watch his fights. But is this an indicator of the greatness of a fighter?

The Great Divide How And Why The

First of all, you need to turn to facts and statistics to figure out whether the Dagestani is such an outstanding athlete. It is worth recognizing that he has no equal in the fight and he won very confident victories. However, we are talking about mixed martial arts, which includes both standing and fighting on the ground.


Khabib fights Te in a standing position and therefore tries to lay down his opponent as soon as possible and defeat him with wrestling techniques. Khabib performs effectively, but boring and predictable. He simply drops the opponent and wipes the ring with him, without taking any damage. A dubious fighter, albeit a very promoted one, who also went into battle with a leg injury. A good fighter with a great future, but has only been in the UFC for three years and has not shown very consistent results. By the way, both of these fighters are not in the top ten UFC rankings. What about Iaquinta?


Few people know about him. The conclusion suggests itself. The same cannot be said about the same John Jones or Stipe Miocic, who fought the best. In one of his interviews, Khabib stated that his usual weight is about 85 kg. This means that in fact, Khabib should be in welterweight and middleweight. He fought in a lightweight, constantly subjecting himself to exhausting dry fasting before battles. With the help of various tricks, Khabib managed to throw off up to 15 kg of weight before the next fight. As we know, weigh-in is carried out a day before the fight. After that, the fighter Dividde 24 hours to rapidly gain near-normal weight.

The Great Divide How And Why The

It is quite possible to gain 7 or 10 kg per day. How does the weighting process take place? Primarily due to the removal of water from the body, including through the pores.]

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