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Essay On Sula. Choose from the following topics: Analyze the ending of the novel.
Is the ending pessimistic, optimistic, or something else jn How do people who are intensely individualistic fare in the novel? How and by whom is love expressed in the novel? In what ways is the love in the novel a ease the suffering of the characters? How is love not enough to appease the characters in light of their suffering?

In what ways are the various characters in the novel alienated from the community? How do they cope with their loneliness, their preoccupations, and other after effects of feeling abandoned? Compare and contrast the journey of self-discovery for two characters in the book.
Remember to take a position in your thesis that establishes the significance of the comparison and contrast. Remember to take a position in your thesis that establishes the significance of the contrast. Trace the use of three symbols in the novel and explain their connection to a theme in the novel.
What is the significance of the event at the tunnel and the resulting deaths there?
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