Mobile Phones And The Rate Of Traffic -

Mobile Phones And The Rate Of Traffic - think

The Police will conduct tighter control over the use of devices and equipment hindering drivers while driving, as well as over the use of safety belts and restraint systems. During that time, the Agency will conduct new field research regarding the use of mobile phones in traffic, while other partners will participate in the campaign with their activities. Violations in respect of the use of mobile phones while driving have been increasing year after year. Most offenders Furthermore, it has been found that cyclists and pedestrians — along with drivers — are still insufficiently aware of the risks and hazards related with the use of mobile phones while driving. Stop gazing at a screen when you are behind the wheel; mind the traffic, not the web! See the video The sidewalk is part of traffic as well. Our web site uses cookies and local storage for better user experience and to monitor visitors statistics. Privacy statement. Skip over navigation.

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Mobile Phones And The Rate Of Traffic

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Mobile Phones And The Rate Of Traffic

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Mobile Phones And The Rate Of Traffic

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