Reflection of the Article PC James Kiddie -

Reflection of the Article PC James Kiddie

Reflection of the Article PC James Kiddie Video

The nightmare videos of childrens' YouTube — and what's wrong with the internet today - James Bridle Reflection of the Article PC James Kiddie

Rigorous, comprehensive and timely research are the cornerstone of social and transformative change. For researchers responding to femicide, family and intimate partner homicide, there are Rerlection challenges around accessing robust data that is complete and fully representative of the experiences and social identities of those affected. This raises questions of how certain social identities are privileged and how the lens of intersectionality may be constrained or enabled through research.

Further, there is limited insight into the emotional labour and safety for researchers, and how they experience and mitigate vicarious trauma. We examine these issues through a shared critical reflection and conclude with key recommendations to address the challenges and issues identified. Four researchers examining and responding to femicide, family and intimate partner homicide in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom shared and evaluated their critical reflection. We drew on our experiences and offer insights into processes, impacts and unintended consequences of fatality reviews and research initiatives. There are substantial limitations in accessibility and completeness of data, which has unintended consequences for the construction of social click here of those affected, including how multiple forms of exclusion and structural oppression are represented.

Our experiences as researchers are complex and have driven us to implement strategies to mitigate vicarious trauma.

Reflection of the Article PC James Kiddie

We assert that these issues can be addressed by reconceptualizing the goals of data collection and fostering collaborative discussions among those involved in data collection and violence prevention to strengthen research, prevention efforts and safety for all involved. No one should have to fear victimization in their homes or their daily public life.

Reflection of the Article PC James Kiddie

In the first situation, we know that women bear the greatest burden as the primary victims of violence thee the home, including homicide UNODC In public life, while men bear the largest burden of violence — overwhelmingly at the hands of other men — women also have much to fear. This too is largely from men, including street harassment, workplace harassment, sexual violence, and in some cases homicide.

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Regardless of location, the killing of women can often be described as femicide and there is ongoing research examining the definitional parameters of this phenomenon. Https:// deaths mean that in Reflectikn way we, as a society, have failed. Our failure may be directly linked to actions or inactions of professionals, agencies, or systems.]

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