Adult Learner An Alternative For Adult Learners -

Adult Learner An Alternative For Adult Learners - means not

We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. Click here to see our Group Cookie Policy. When I saw that this awareness week was coming up I just knew that I wanted to write about it from an adult learning perspective, it fitted nicely with something I have been planning to scribble about for a while. This week 4th to 9th March is National Careers Week. The event, founded by a number of volunteers with a combined wealth of experience from the education, business and careers guidance sectors, is run as a not for profit organisation. The aim of this awareness week is to promote the importance of good careers education in schools and colleges to ensure that people understand the links between courses, skills and pathways that are opened up through college education for both young people starting out on their career path and adult learners who are re-skilling to return to work or change careers.

Advise: Adult Learner An Alternative For Adult Learners

ROMANCE OF TRISTAN AND ISEULT BY JOSEPH 1 day ago · Making the most of adult learning opportunities – National Careers Week When I saw that this awareness week was coming up I just knew that I wanted to write about it from an adult learning perspective, it fitted nicely with something I . 4 days ago · e learning and adult learning theories Dec 06, Posted By David Baldacci Library TEXT ID f5be7 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library here is a practical look at adult learning theories that utilize experience as a guide to create workplace training experience is something everyone in the workplace has in. 53 minutes ago · Common Adult Learning Theories Andragogy. The first adult learning theory I came across in my research, and arguably the most well-known, is andragogy. Malcolm Knowles developed andragogy theory in to define the differences between youth learners and adult learners (Gutierrez, ).
Adult Learner An Alternative For Adult Learners Grave Disease An Autoimmune Disease
Adult Learner An Alternative For Adult Learners Adult Learner An Alternative For Adult Learners

Adult Learner An Alternative For Adult Learners Video

Principles of Adult Learning Adult Learner An Alternative For Adult Learners

How can coaches apply adult learning theories to develop impactful professional development and engage adult learners? In my previous blog postI focused my research on how coaches can use technology to design, implement, and evaluate effective professional development. Through this research, I learned the powerful impact technology can have on organizations, teachers, and students in designing PD with intention and evaluating it critically.

Adult Learner An Alternative For Adult Learners

For module two, I wanted to explore adult learning theories and better understand how coaches can apply these theories to develop impactful professional development. The first step in my research was developing a deeper understanding of adult learning frameworks or theories.


I began by exploring four of the most common adult learning theories, and then I continued my research to find strategies coaches can implement to develop impactful professional development that meets the needs of these different learning theories. When researching my inquiry question for this module, my research is continuing to focus on ISTE Coaching Standard 5: Professional learning Facilitatorand more specifically, its first indicator.

Design professional learning based on needs assessments and frameworks for working with adults to support their cultural, social-emotional, and learning needs. The first adult learning theory I came across in my research, and arguably the most well-known, is andragogy. Malcolm Knowles developed andragogy theory in to define the differences between youth learners and adult learners Gutierrez, Andragogy theory is focused on the idea that adult learners are self-directed, demonstrate a desire to learn relevant information, and want to have a voice in the development of their learning experiences. Andragogy theory also highlights that adult learners have a wealth of knowledge and experience which guides them in their learning, and when shared, adds immense value to the learning experience of others. In reading through the assumptions Knowles developed about adult learners in his theory, I think two of the ideas that stand out to me are that adults seek learning experiences that are task-oriented and timely Lane, Too Adult Learner An Alternative For Adult Learners professional development is designed without opportunities for teachers to put learning to practice and engage in the experience in meaningful ways.

Learning coaches should leverage collaboration when designing PD, providing participants training that allows opportunities to problem-solve and collaborate about developed solutions.

Adult Learner An Alternative For Adult Learners

Another common adult learning theory is self-directed learning, which was developed by Allen Tough in Like andragogy, self-directed learning identifies that adult learners are self-motivated and take initiative in seeking out others who are able to provide support for them. Self-directed learning centers on choice and agency, providing control to the learner to guide their experience. In thinking about self-directed learning in relation to professional development, I believe this type of learning provides immense value in agency through choice.


When developing professional learning that is self-directed, it is beneficial to have a facilitator available to guide participants. The QUEST Model has provided me with the opportunity to have choice over my learning, incorporate my learning into my daily practice, and seek out resources that connect to my learning goals.

Embedded in this learning is the need for critical thinking and reflective practice.]

One thought on “Adult Learner An Alternative For Adult Learners

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