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Post-Graduation Plan. Your Post-Graduation Plan is an opportunity to explore how you may continue to develop your professional and leadership skills, promote change in your department and organization, and stimulate progress in the nursing profession. In your plan, outline necessary steps for achieving these goals. Also, consider how you can reflect these goals in your curriculum vitae CV. Dickerson, P. Continuing nursing education: Enhancing professional development. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41 3 , — Post Graduation I Plan To Work In

You were finally figuring the college thing out.

Post Graduation I Plan To Work In

You knew your way around campus and had made a group of close knit friends that Wofk may stay in touch with for the rest of your life. The last couple of years the classes were more interesting, and that final practicum placement was life changing. But what now? Moving from college to a career is a big

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We build up in our minds how much easier life is going to be after college. Emotions are complicated. We want to see the world as being polarized: Good or bad. Right or wrong.

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Unfortunately, things are rarely this clean cut. Yes, you are excited about graduation and your new job.

Post Graduation I Plan To Work In

You may feel a sense of grief and loss as you and your college friends spread out across the country. It is normal, ok and healthy to feel a mix of emotions as you start to face the world post graduation.

Post Graduation I Plan To Work In

You may be tempted to try to push down the unwanted feelings. So, let those feelings out. Call a friend and vent.]

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