![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Obesity And Its Effects On The United](https://www.whyiexercise.com/images/facts_about_obesity_bodyweight.jpg)
Time-restricted eating TRE is a weight management approach in which food is consumed only within a specific period each day. The simplicity of this approach is appealing, but its efficacy is not known. The aim of this pilot cohort study was to assess adherence to TRE and its effects on weight and lipid profile. Fifty participants with obesity attempted to follow TRE for 12 weeks.

Surveys were conducted weekly over the phone to assess treatment adherence and ratings; and at 6 and 12 weeks, participants attended the clinic to be weighed, have their blood pressure taken and provide a blood sample for lipid profile. Treatment results were compared with data from previous comparable cohorts using other weight management methods. The intervention had no effect on blood pressure or Teh profile.
TRE results were modest, but at least on par with those achieved with more complex interventions, and weight loss did not decline at 12 weeks.
COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation.
A formal trial of the intervention is warranted. This is an Unoted access article distributed under the article source of the Creative Commons Attribution Licensewhich permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Data Availability: All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Over a quarter of adults in England are living with obesity, with prevalence being higher in disadvantaged socioeconomic groups [ 1 ].

Simple and effective weight loss interventions that are easy to disseminate are lacking. Obesity And Its Effects On The United fasting IFinvolving periods of total or partial energy restriction, alternated with non-restricted energy intake, is one potentially promising approach. There is preclinical evidence showing that in animals, regular periods of IF accompanied by no other food restrictions, generates weight loss and improvements in cardio-metabolic health [ 3 — 6 ].
In humans, IF was shown to generate weight loss [ 7 — 18 ] as well as improvements in glucose metabolism and lipid profiles [ 891214 — 1618 ]. In terms of clinical practice, however, the approach has a notable limitation; the existing human studies typically used a demanding form of IF, with fasting every other day [ 7 — 18 ], usually with caloric restrictions during non-fasting days [ 9121316 ]. The studies provided food free of charge for at least some of the time, and participants were carefully selected—in some studies they had to pass Health Promotion Proposal Is Based pre-test of energy restriction prior to randomisation [ Obesity And Its Effects On The United9 ].
Within tightly controlled trials, a proportion of selected clients were able to persist with this approach for the trial duration, but the approach seems too difficult for most people and it is not used in clinical practice. IF, however, can be also implemented in less severe formats. Animal studies suggest that even in this much simplified format, the diet may still convey benefits [ 3619 ].
Several small cohort studies have assessed effects of TRE on weight in humans: TRE practiced by 11 participants over 4 days reduced swings in hunger and click here fat and protein oxidization [ 20 ]; weight loss Obseity some 3kg was reported in 8 participants who adhered to a 10—12 hour eating window for 16 weeks [ 21 ]; of 23 participants instructed to eat only between 10am and 6pm for 12 weeks, 16 remained in the study and reported adherence on 5—6 days per week and lost around 3kg [ 22 ]; see more recently, 19 participants who trialled a hour eating period for 12 weeks, lost on average 3.
In one small trial, seven participants randomised to TRE for 10 weeks, found adherence challenging and only lost 0. There was no difference in weight change compared to controls who continued with normal eating patterns [ 24 ]. Two cross-over studies have examined the effects of the timing of TRE. They also reported a reduced desire to eat in Oj evenings. Fifteen men with obesity were asked to follow two variations of TRE for 7 days each; one with an eating period of 8am-5pm and the other 12pm-9pm. There were no significant differences in weight loss between Om two conditions 1. Religious fasting practices also provide an indication of TRE effects, Obesitj.
A recent review [ 28 ] that included both TRE trials and studies of Ramadan fasting, drawing mostly upon Ramadan fasting studies, reported greater weight loss Obesity And Its Effects On The United TRE compared to control groups without time restrictions weighted mean difference: The studies to date have been small and eating time-periods have varied between studies, from 6 to 12 hours, with some allowing participants to choose their preferred eating period and others not. Due to small samples and varied results, information is limited on the size of weight loss Obesity And Its Effects On The United TRE can be expected to generate. Fifty-two participants seeking to lose weight were recruited during February- Juneprimarily through our community weight clinic and via adverts, the University staff bulletins and social media. Follow-up was completed in September Prospective participants contacted the study team by telephone or e-mail and were pre-screened for eligibility.]
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