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Some features of this site may not work without it. What makes this progress even more Chinas Managed Float is that the country managed to achieve this with nascent or missing modern fiscal institutions. Progress has come at a price though, and the PRC is now at a stage where the one-sided focus on economic growth needs rebalancing, particularly in terms of addressing inequality geographical, income, and non-income lFoat environmental degradation; and the fiscal sustainability challenges that almost all SNGs are facing.
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Despite the very rapid growth since the — reforms, Chinas Managed Float have risen as a result of the concentration of activities and population in the coastal megacities, leading to congestion and pollution, as well as spatial inequalities. In addition, SNGs have been primarily relying on shared revenues, which have been hugely inadequate to finance the expenditure continue reading assigned to them.
Faced with these structural financing gaps, SNGs increasingly resorted to land sales and borrowing. The continuing reliance on land sales for generating local revenues has led to large-scale urban sprawl, and loss of Chinsa in the delta regions as well as prime agricultural lands. This paper focuses on key fiscal aspects of these challenges.
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First of these is the need to reconsider current intergovernmental functional assignments for reducing risks and better provision of local services. The division of roles and responsibilities across the different tiers of government is obscured by a multitude of overlapping or conflicting laws, regulations, and guidelines, leading to blurred service delivery and administrative mandates. Chinas Managed Float these responsibilities is quite complicated and should start with an extensive legal harmonization exercise.
Second is the important fiscal decentralization objective to ensure that local governments have strong and sustainable own-revenue sources, both to fund basic services that they just click for source required to administer and to generate appropriate incentive structures and accountability, and also to anchor borrowing and access to credit. While revenue sharing and fiscal transfers will continue to be the most important sources of funding, these are not enough to put Chinas Managed Float government finances on a sustainable footing. Local governments need own-source revenues at the margin, otherwise they cannot access financing safely—including municipal bonds and public—private partnerships PPPs —without a central government guarantee.
This arrangement would insulate subnational Chinas Managed Float from the volatility of revenue shares associated with adjustments in national tax rates by the central government. Importantly, it also provides the basis for the more effective operation of the subnational bond market. Fourth key issue on promoting the fiscal sustainability of SNGs are the options for local government financing instruments, including municipal bonds either general obligation or revenue bonds and the use of PPPs to finance and deliver goods and services. This underscores the need to develop own-source revenues quickly. While there has been important progress in a number of areas, critical gaps remain that need to be addressed early in the 14th Five-Year Plan period.
Citation Ahmad, Ehtisham; Rijn, Hans van.
The Role of Local Governments in Driving High-Quality Growth in the People’s Republic of China
License: CC BY 3. Keywords Development Economics. Metadata Show full item record. Author Ahmad, Ehtisham. Rijn, Hans van.
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