Annotated Bibliography On Criminal Justice System -

Annotated Bibliography On Criminal Justice System

Annotated Bibliography On Criminal Justice System - will

References Bruner, M. Ties that bond: Youth sport as a vehicle for social identity and positive youth development. Donaldson, S. The effects of sports participation on young adolescents' emotional well-being. Adolescence, 41 , Eime, R. A systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of participation in sports for children and adolescents: informing development of a conceptual model of health through sport. International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 10 1 , 98 Khan, M. Perceptual posture of stakeholders: Efficacy of sports in curbing violent behaviors among youth. Annotated Bibliography On Criminal Justice System.

Using your project proposal as a guide, develop an outline for your course paper and attach an annotated bibliography of a minimum of six 6 peer-reviewed resources. When you completed your work, submit it to the drop box as a single document. Please refer to the following guidelines to help you shape your work:. Your outline should include the following: A brief introduction identifying your topic area, a working thesis statement, and a clearly defined statement on the position you are taking in this project.

A brief outline of each subpoint you will make to support your thesis statement each subpoint you make will eventually become a body paragraph or two in your paper—you should plan to make several subpoints throughout your paper.

Annotated Bibliography On Criminal Justice System

You should expect to alter and define your position as you craft your paper, but you should use your outline to help you stay on track throughout the research and writing process. Your annotated bibliography should include a full, APA-style citation followed by a brief annotation of at least six 6 peer-reviewed resources. Include a statement referring to the quality of source is it effective?

Annotated Bibliography On Criminal Justice System

My two discipline areas are Criminal Justice and Sociology. Criminal Justice simply can be defined as the system through which crimes and criminals are identified, apprehended, judged, and punished.

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The criminal justice system is comprised of three parts: Law Enforcement, The Courts, and Corrections. Sociology is about human behavior within a given environment or merely put the study of social problems and how they interact with the given situation. How the two areas are related, directly put one cannot exist without the other. If there lives a mutual understanding shaped by norms and values, society can get along Sociology.

Once those norms are violated a penance must be sanctioned—that is Criminal Justice. Society is structured on a set of mutual understandings that essentially endeavor us all get along and maximize our experiences with one another.

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These mutual understandings are fashioned by shared norms, values, and ideologies that allow us to agree mutually and live amongst one another. When these norms, values, and ideologies conflict with one another, or our communicative wires get crossed, it formulates struggle. To avoid conflict, we have prearranged sanctions laws that prevent deviance from those norms, values, and ideologies. Some of these sanctions are informal dirty looks, finger pointing, teasing, name calling, suspension from school, etc.

The more extreme the norm, value, and ideology, the higher the sanction.

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The study of these norms, values, and ideologies and their associated penalties is precisely what sociologists consider primary to the discipline. Criminal justice is the study of this specific aspect of the more substantial body of work that is done in sociology. What challenges have you encountered so far in finding information relevant to your topic and how will you address those challenges?

Fortunately, this topic is relevant and current, so finding information is plentiful. Police Department are known to downplay their numbers when it comes to Ssytem Profiling as this is against the law and can carry a hefty fine followed by a civil lawsuit. Throughout the course, you have been working toward completing this paper.]

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