The Struggle For Sanity By Charlotte Perkins Video
Who Was Charlotte Perkins Gilman? Herland, With Her In Ourland, and PersonhoodAll?: The Struggle For Sanity By Charlotte Perkins
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A comparison between similar short stories in two literary works is the significance behind the feminine struggles. Females have faced multiple challenges throughout history.

Even though the narrators in the stories have different experiences, they are both familiar with the poverty and repression that women have encountered. The main characters in both stories share several similarities.
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Both narrators describe the struggles that they encounter as females. The stories were told by women whose lives were affected by the obligations towards their families. They also speak of the physical poverty and expectation of women during that time. Therefore, both stories can be seen from a feminist point of view.
Unfortunately, her feelings and thoughts are being suppressed and disregarded by her husband throughout the story.
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She describes the struggle that she encounters as a mother when she was left alone at a young age to raise her daughter alone. She describes the struggles with the growing family and the mistakes she made while raising her daughter Emily.

The narrator as a single mother was forced to leave the children and search for one of the low paying jobs to help her with the family needs. Even though she lived in a society that thought women to depend on men, she learned that she was left alone and had to accept the effect by the patriarchal society.

Apart from the similarities, the stories share some difference as well. The narrator further describes her obsession with the yellow wallpaper as she is being trapped in the nursery while she undergoes the treatment.
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Both narrators share another characteristic by being nameless. She lived in a time where women were not allowed to have an individual identity and they had no independence. She was forbidden to write and she was forced to do it in secret as she was controlled by her husband and had many restrictions in place.]
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