Regional Integration Of South Asian Country -

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AEC - Economic Integration that Benefits All? Regional Integration Of South Asian Country Regional Integration Of South Asian Country

The organization promotes development of economic and regional integration. In the ending years of the s, the seven inner South Asian nations that included BangladeshBhutanIndiathe MaldivesNepalPakistanand Sri Lanka agreed upon the creation of a trade bloc and to provide a platform for the people of South Asia to work together in a spirit of friendship, trust, and understanding.

President Ziaur Rahman later addressed official letters to the leaders of the countries of Regional Integration Of South Asian Country South Asia, presenting his vision for the future of the region and the compelling arguments for region. In the inaugural speech to the Colombo Plan Consultative Committee which met in Kathmandu also inKing Birendra of Nepal gave a call for close regional cooperation among South Asian countries in sharing river waters. After the USSR 's intervention in Afghanistanthe efforts to establish the union was accelerated in and the resulting rapid deterioration of South Asian security situation.

Pakistan assumed that it might be an Indian strategy to organize the other South Asian countries against Pakistan and ensure a regional market for Indian products, thereby consolidating and further strengthening India's economic dominance in the region. However, after a series of diplomatic consultations headed by Bangladesh between South Asian U.

New areas of co-operation were added in the following years.

Regional Integration Of South Asian Country

Officially, the union was nItegration in Dhaka with Kathmandu being the union's Regional Integration Of South Asian Country. Economic data is sourced from the International Monetary Fundcurrent as of Decemberand is given in U. The SAARC member states imposed a stipulation for Afghanistan to hold a general election ; the non-partisan elections were held in late On 2 Augustthe foreign ministers of the SAARC countries agreed in principle to grant observer status to three applicants; [36] the U. Myanmar has expressed interest in upgrading its status from an observer to a full member of the SAARC. These bodies are managed by their respective Governing Boards composed of representatives from all the Member States, the representative of H.

After 31 Decemberthere 6 regional centers were stopped by unanimous decision.

Regional Integration Of South Asian Country

Eight Member States, i. It is entrusted with the responsibility of serving Member States by providing policy advice, technical support on system development, capacity building services and training for holistic management of disaster risk in the SAARC region. The centre also facilitates exchange of information and expertise for effective and efficient management of disaster risk.

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Lasting peace and prosperity in South Asia has elusive because of the various ongoing conflicts in the region. Political dialogue is often conducted on the margins of SAARC meetings Regional Integration Of South Asian Country have refrained from interfering in the internal matters of its member states.

The Tenth SAARC Summit Colombo29—31 July decided to set up a Committee of Experts COE to draft a comprehensive treaty framework for creating a free trade area within the region, taking into consideration the asymmetries in development within the region and bearing in mind the need to fix realistic and achievable targets. The Agreement entered into force on 1 Januaryand the Trade Liberalization Programme commenced from 1 July The SAFTA was envisaged to gradually move towards the South Asian Economic Union, but the current intra-regional trade and investment relation are not encouraging and it may be difficult to achieve this target.

Similarly, foreign direct investment is also dismal. The intra-regional FDI flow stands at around four percent of the total foreign investment. The leaders at the Fourth Summit Islamabad, 29—31 Decemberrealizing the importance of people-to-people contact among SAARC countries, decided that certain categories of dignitaries should be entitled to a Special Travel document. The document would exempt them from visas within the region. As directed by the Summit, the Council of Ministers Regional Integration Of South Asian Country kept under review the list of continue reading categories. Currently, the list included 24 categories of entitled persons, which include dignitaries, judges of higher courts, parliamentarians, senior officials, entrepreneurs, journalists, and athletes. The Visa Stickers Integraation issued by the respective Member States to the entitled categories of that particular country.

The validity of the Visa Sticker is generally for one year. The award is based on specific themes which apply to each year.]

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