The Process Of Learning For Read Can -

The Process Of Learning For Read Can Video

Dr. Jordan Peterson - How to read and understand anything

The Process Of Learning For Read Can - how that

Or you understand very well the immense educational and intellectual effects of reading. For some people, the pressures of everyday life, the stress involved in making a living and keeping up with their social lives while also having to find time to spend with friends and family leav,m drained out. Every year, most people set goals for themselves as regards book reading. They yearn to develop a consistent book culture. Unfortunately, they fail at the end of the year, because they were not fully dedicated to it from the start. Besides sharpening your intellect, giving you a reason to think critically, and exposing you to new worlds and territories, books are invaluable assets if you are intentional about personal growth and development. One of the first and pertinent things to cultivate is the willpower to stay consistent. Below are a few pragmatic steps that can drastically improve your reading. How many books do you aim to finish in a month? Three months? The Process Of Learning For Read Can.

Learning curve is a graphic representation of how learning takes place in a particular situation.

The Process Of Learning For Read Can

In all type of learning situations, the course of learning can be depicted and described graphically by drawing learning curves against x and y axis. The above figure shows a typical learning curve of many types of learning.

The Process Of Learning For Read Can

The curve consists of a number of irregularities, as the progress is not constant. Generally when a person has to start a learning of a given activity from a scratch, his early progress will be slow. In typing once the learner has developed co ordination of the movement of fingers he shows rapid progress.

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Learning curves frequently display a period of no apparent progress. It is also known as plateau. A period of no visible learning Leaening, preceded and followed by improvement is called as plateaus. Eg: In typing, a person may after having made rather consistent progress for some time, reach a point where perhaps for weeks no further progress is made. At the end of a plateau there is generally a spurt in achievement. While on the plateau the learner acquires better techniques, which help him later on to show rapid progress.

All learning will finally slow down to such an extent that it will ultimately reach a period of no improvement. No one can continue to improve indefinitely in any given Reav. The learning curve will eventually reach a limit, where no further improvement is possible. This limit is known as physiological limit. Need: Learning takes place as a result of response to some stimulation. Unless the individual has some unsatisfactory need or derive which causes him to act in an attempt to satisfy the need, no learning will take The Process Of Learning For Read Can. Hence we can say that learning proceeds from womb to tomb.

Process Of Learning- The Learning Curve

Learning through observation and imitation Learning through observation This is the first and foremost mode of learning. Every human being learns various things through observation. Here by observation, we do not mean only seeing a thing rather it refers to the act of perceiving or observing the stimulus. In observation process, we do not take help only eyes as in seeing but we help of other organs also for listening, smelling tasting and touching. Process Of Learning- The Learning Curve Learning curve is a graphic representation of how learning takes place in a particular situation.

For the convenience the curve is divided into 5 stages — a, b, c, d and e. Causes of plateau.

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Important characteristics of Learning Curve i Slow initial progress. Share on:. Read more.]

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