The Appeal of the Horror Genre -

The Appeal of the Horror Genre - abstract

A while ago, I declared that cyberpunk is horror. Both of them are as much punk as they are horror. In both TTRPGs and their associated spin-offs, the focus is on flawed characters fighting for hopeless causes, whether that cause is saving the world or simply saving themselves. Or so it seems…. Cyberpunk as a genre has always been about inequality, power struggles, and fighting hopeless battles. It makes perfect sense that the game would borrow from an existing property which exists to explore those subjects in the most creatively horrific ways possible. Both of those images fit right into the cyberpunk ethos, and the cyberpunk genre is becoming more relevant by the day. The Appeal of the Horror Genre

But while the more info is often deployed as a marketing strategy — a shorthand for communicating how big a budget is or how gripping a narrative — there is one genre of TV to which the comparison often uniquely applies: the anthology series. Black Mirror infiltrated British pop culture like a guileful computer virus, combining the tropes of classic Twilight Zone -style anthologies with a dark modern sensibility and a keen eye for satire.

Episodes are sometimes comic, sometimes horrific, and almost always inventive — with the number nine incorporated into every story, usually via a house or door number. We're very comfortable now with all these different styles of shows and genres, and it canjust be moving wallpaper. I think our advantage The Appeal of the Horror Genre that our audience is always on its toes.


What I love about that is that you are not having to talk about series arcs, padding out mid-series episodes. You can tell a beginning, middle and end of a story in one hit, so it's a short, sharp shock. The downside of course is for an idea that you might have been able to pad out and make a full series out of, you've dealt with in half an hour. Here longerseries have more in common with full-length features. Soulmates is the latest entry in the current anthology boom, a collection of standalone sci-fi stories all set within the same universe: a Gene in which technology exists that can match a person with their destined soulmate with per cent accuracy.

New situations.

You can switch up genres, take big shifts in tone from episode to episode As a writer, that's exciting to me. With anthologies you can still get under a character's skin — you don't get the luxury of time with them, so you have to find creative ways to convey their emotional journey. There is another type of anthology series, the kind that switches up its story not every episode, but every season. These are not anthology series in the traditional sense, but a new spin on them: a hybrid for an age in which the lines between mediums are more porous than ever.

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There are downsides to the anthology form. Everything changed so much with the advent of streaming, and is continuing to change. People will find shows that they love, and they'll pass them on to other people. We weren't quite so worried about finding an audience. And it's proved that you can do something where you're telling a different story every week.

If people like the brand, for want of a better word, people will keep watching. The renewed appeal of anthology series is, perhaps, easy to explain. In a world where pretty much every big film release is reduced to a cog in some larger, many-geared franchise, there exists an unsated appetite for structured, self-contained storytelling.]

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