The Divorce An Addiction Specialist -

The Divorce An Addiction Specialist Video

How to deal with addiction with Dr. Gabor Mate The Divorce An Addiction Specialist

So, what can you expect to feel as you move through the divorce process? And how can you work through those emotional stages with as much grace and dignity as possible? Jackie Pilossoph is the Creator and Editor-in-Chief of Divorced Girl Slecialist, an online divorce support community designed to empower and inspire women and men Specialisf and after divorce. She is also the author of the Better Magazine weekly column Love Essentially. She explains why getting lawyers involved can induce panic and anxiety and explores how anger can either be destructive OR drive us to make necessary change. And in the divorce process, many women even the smart, capable ones struggle with financial decisions.

So, what are the systemic myths that keep women from having a good relationship with money? And what can we do to change that? Financial Therapist Carrie Rattle is The Divorce An Addiction Specialist Founder and CEO of Behavioral Cents, a coaching practice dedicated to helping professional women build wealth by learning how to get out of debt, save money, or protect their assets during a divorce.

The Divorce An Addiction Specialist

A financial executive with 30 years of experience in the banking industry, Carrie teaches women to build money-life balance and align TThe values with their spending. On this episode of Divorce Dialogues, Carrie joins Katherine to discuss the five unique hurdles that separate women from a good relationship with money.

When our children are growing up, we cover the electrical outlets. We make sure they wear bike helmets and drink organic milk. We go out of our way to ensure that they are safe and healthy and happy.

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And yet, many parents fail to protect their kids from the toxicity of a high-conflict divorce. So, what can we do to set aside our feelings for our ex and make things better for our children? Inshe transitioned to a leading global management consulting firm where she serves as Partner. And for couples who were already struggling, sheltering in place together has exacerbated our issues. Kira Gould is a Certified Divorce Coach and The Divorce An Addiction Specialist Estate Divorce Specialist dedicated to transforming the divorce process from an adversarial knock-down-drag-out to an intention-driven, family-focused journey in personal evolution.

The Divorce An Addiction Specialist

She is also the Founder Asdiction Getting Unmarried, a coaching platform that helps clients move on with clarity, compassion and positive intention. Stacy Francis is the Founder and CEO of Francis Financial, a fee-only, boutique wealth management, financial planning and divorce financial planning firm. She describes what differentiates a CDFA and how they can help you, offering advice on what questions to ask as you select your team of divorce professionals. Though most divorcing couples intend to put the best interests of their children first, their own emotions get in click here way.

How can they help their kids build resilience in the aftermath of divorce? Risa Garon is the Cofounder and Executive Director of the National Family Resiliency Center NFRCan organization that provides The Divorce An Addiction Specialist and educational programs to help children and adults cope, heal and navigate through divorce and other family The Divorce An Addiction Specialist. Risa is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Family Life Educator with nearly 30 years of experience helping separating and divorced couples develop parenting plans that focus on the developmental needs of the children involved.

Divorce is stressful. But there are things we Specialixt do to mitigate that stress and avoid the conflict that comes our emotions get the best of us.

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In fact, implementing just one or two simple mindfulness techniques can go a long way in helping us get out Specialish our heads and re-center—without having to master Lotus Pose. Moore also has specialized training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSRserving as both a practitioner and qualified teacher in the practice of using mindfulness strategies to deal with stress, anxiety, pain and other negative emotions. Topics Covered How mindfulness is defined as moment-to-moment awareness of the present Developing an awareness of the backstories we create that add The Divorce An Addiction Specialist our stress How to introduce mindfulness into your daily life without taking up Buddhism How her own Dkvorce with divorce and an ability to be with loss led Dr. Moore to this work Allowing ourselves to lean into grief vs. Moore thinks about forgiveness as a gradual letting go of negative thoughts and feelings toward someone who wronged you Dr.]

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