President Hoover And The Great Depression Video
Herbert Hoover: The Great Depression Begins (1929 - 1933) President Hoover And The Great Depression15. First Orphaned President
Herbert Clark Hoover August 10, — October 20, was an American politician, businessman, and engineer, who served as the 31st president of the United States from to A member of the Republican Partyhe held office during the onset of the Great Depression. Before serving as president, Hoover led the Commission for Relief in Belgiumserved as the director of the U. Food Administrationand served as the third U. Secretary of Commerce.

Hoover was born to a Quaker family in West Branch, Hoove. He took a position with a London-based mining company after link from Stanford University in After the outbreak of World War Ihe became the head of the Commission for Relief in Belgium, an international relief organization that provided food to occupied Belgium.

When the U. Hoover's war-time service made him a favorite of many progressivesand he unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination in the presidential election. After the election, newly elected Republican President Warren G. Hoover was an unusually active and visible cabinet member, becoming link as "Secretary of Commerce and Under-Secretary of all other departments".
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He was influential in the development of radio and air travel and led the federal response to the Great Mississippi Flood of Hoover won the Republican nomination in the presidential electionand decisively defeated the Democratic candidate, Al Smith. The stock market crashed shortly after Hoover took office, and the Great Depression became the central issue of his presidency. Hoover pursued a variety of policies in an attempt to lift the economy, but opposed directly involving the federal government in relief efforts.
In the midst of the economic crisis, Hoover was decisively defeated by Democratic nominee Franklin D.]
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