Personal Statement On Social Identity -

Personal Statement On Social Identity

Personal Statement On Social Identity - charming

Social identity is the portion of an individual's self-concept derived from perceived membership in a relevant social group. As originally formulated by social psychologists Henri Tajfel and John Turner in the s and the s, [2] social identity theory introduced the concept of a social identity as a way in which to explain intergroup behaviour. The term social identity approach , or social identity perspective , is suggested for describing the joint contributions of both social identity theory and self-categorization theory. The term 'social identity theory' achieved academic currency only in the late s, but the basic underlying concepts associated with it had emerged by the early twentieth century. William G. Sumner , writing in , captures the primary dynamics in this excerpt from his influential work Folkways: A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals :. By the late s the collectivist perspective had all but disappeared from mainstream social psychology. Thus, social identity theory in part reflects a desire to reestablish a more collectivist approach to social psychology of the self and social groups. It varies along a continuum between interpersonal behavior and intergroup behaviour. Completely interpersonal behaviour would be behaviour determined solely by the individual characteristics and interpersonal relationships that exists between only two people. Personal Statement On Social Identity

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Personal Statement On Social Identity

I have always found the ability to help other people and communities around me especially rewarding, which is perhaps the main Personal Statement On Social Identity that has driven my fascination for social work. Throughout my life, I have always sought out and used all opportunities available to me to be of help people who are unfortunate or simply in need of a helping hand.

Therefore, undertaking studies in social work was great opportunity to achieve my desire. Although my university education back in my home country, Uganda, was full of challenges due to lack of vital resources, I worked hard and gained a wide range of knowledge that is crucial in the social work, more especially in handling clients with psychological, social, as well as emotional needs.

Personal Statement On Social Identity

My desire to work as a social worker is attributed to my life experience while growing up. Both my parents died of AIDS when I was about fifteen years old, and their death had a ineradicable mark on my life. Being the first born in the family, it was inevitable for me to take over all the responsibilities in the family, though Personal Statement On Social Identity a very young age. Because of this experience, I became interested in social work as a profession as by so doing I would get an opportunity to help other Persoanl who could be facing the kind of life that I encountered.

I took my first step towards achieving my desire of becoming a social worker by enrolling as a volunteer in various institutions in Uganda source with taking care of orphans and vulnerable kids.

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Later on when I joined university, it was a great opportunity for me of making another step closure to achieving my dreams, by studying social work. The foundation that was laid for my social work studies while at the university is one of the contributory factors for my decision to pursue an advanced degree in social work. Placement is one of programs that students have to undergo as per the university requirements.]

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