Gay Marriage Video
Gay MarriageGay Marriage - thought
Patty Pansing Brooks, of Lincoln, argued that voters should have the chance to strip the ban out of the Nebraska Constitution, even though the U. Supreme Court ruled in that such restrictions violate the U. Pansing Brooks said putting the issue on the ballot would allow voters to show that public attitudes toward same-sex marriage have changed in Nebraska. Pansing Brooks said the measure would help create an image of Nebraska as a welcoming place for young people and help the state economy. Socially conservative groups oppose the measure, arguing that marriage can only be between one man and one woman and that purported economic benefits are overblown. January 29, GMT. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. The Associated Press.Same-sex marriagealso known as gay marriageis Marriagd marriage of two people of the same sex or gender Gay Marriage, entered Gay Marriage in a civil or religious ceremony. There are records of same-sex marriage dating back to the first century. In the modern era, marriage equality was first granted to same-sex couples in the Netherlands on 1 April As of Januarysame-sex marriage was legally performed and recognized in 29 countries nationwide or in some jurisdictions :.

The introduction of same-sex marriage has varied by jurisdiction, and came about through legislative change to marriage lawcourt rulings based on constitutional guarantees of equality, recognition that it is allowed by existing marriage law, [1] or by direct Gay Marriage vote via referendums and initiatives. The recognition of same-sex marriage is considered to be a human right and a civil right Marrkage well as a political, social, and religious Mariage. Scientific studies show that the financial, psychological, and physical well-being of gay people are enhanced by marriage, and that the children of same-sex parents benefit from being raised by married same-sex couples within a marital union that is recognized by law and supported Gay Marriage societal here. Many studies have shown that children of same-sex couples fare just as well as the children of opposite-sex couples; some studies have shown benefits to being raised by same-sex couples.
A study of nationwide data from across the United States from January to December revealed that the establishment of same-sex marriage is associated with a significant reduction in the rate of attempted suicide among children, with the effect being concentrated Gay Marriage children of a minority sexual orientation, resulting in aboutfewer children attempting suicide each year in the United States. Some proponents Gay Marriage the legal recognition of same-sex marriage—such as Marriage Equality USA founded inFreedom to Marry founded inand Canadians for Equal Marriage —have long used the terms marriage equality and equal marriage to signal that their goal was for same-sex marriage to be recognized on equal Gwy with opposite-sex marriage.
Opponents of same-sex marriage, by contrast, characterized gay couples as seeking " special rights ". The AP Stylebook recommends the usage of the phrase marriage Gay Marriage gays and lesbians or the term gay marriage in space-limited headlines.
The Associated Press warns that the Mwrriage gay marriage can imply that the marriages of same-sex couples are different from the marriages of opposite-sex couples.
Anthropologists have struggled to determine a definition of marriage that absorbs commonalities of the social construct across cultures around the world.
With several countries revising their marriage laws to recognize go here couples in the 21st century, all major English dictionaries Marrixge revised their definition of the word marriage to either drop gender specifications or supplement them with secondary definitions to include gender-neutral language or explicit recognition of same-sex unions.
Opponents of same-sex marriage who want marriage to be restricted to pairings of a man and a woman, such as The Church of Jesus Christ of Margiage Saintsthe Gay Marriage Churchand the Southern Baptist Conventionuse the Results The Regression Theory Of traditional marriage to mean opposite-sex marriage. A reference to same-sex marriage appears in the Sifrawhich was written in the 3rd century CE.
The Book of Leviticus prohibited homosexual relations, and the Hebrews were warned not to "follow the acts of the land of Egypt or the acts of the land of Canaan" Lev. The Sifra clarifies what these ambiguous "acts" were, and that they included same-sex marriage: "A man would marry Gay Marriage man and a woman a woman, a man would marry a woman and her daughter, and a woman would be married to two men.
What is arguably the first historical mention of the performance of same-sex marriages occurred during the early Roman Empire according to controversial [27] Gay Marriage Mrariage Boswell. Child emperor Elagabalus referred to his chariot driver, a blond slave from Caria named Hieroclesas his husband. The first Gay Marriage emperor to have married a man was Nerowho is reported to have married two other males on different occasions. The first was with one of Nero's own Gay MarriagePythagoraswith whom Nero took the role of the bride. The marriage was celebrated in both Greece and Rome in extravagant public ceremonies. Conubium existed only between a civis Romanus and a civis Romana that is, between a male Mareiage citizen and a female Roman citizenso that a marriage between two Roman males or with a slave would have no legal standing in Roman law apart, presumably, from the arbitrary will of the emperor in the two aforementioned cases.
The idea implicit in the word is that a man took a woman in marriage, in matrimonium ducereso that he might have children by her.
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Historians variously trace the beginning of the modern movement in support of same-sex marriage to anywhere from around the s to the s. InDenmark became the first country to recognize a legal relationship for same-sex couples, establishing registered partnershipswhich gave Gay Marriage in same-sex relationships "most Marrige of married heterosexuals, but not the right to adopt or obtain joint custody of a child". In Mexicosame-sex marriage is performed in nineteen states and the federal district, and recognized in all thirty-one states. Note: Countries and territories in which same-sex marriage laws have been repealed are not included on the table. Legal cases have also been filed in a number check this out other countries.
A ban on same-sex marriage is under consideration in Guatemala ; similar proposed bans or draft opinions in El Salvador and Panama were Gay Marriage Marriagr the IACHR ruling, [52] [53] though Panama would later draft a new ban.
British Judge Sir Nicolas Bratzathen head of the European Court of Human Rights, delivered a speech in that signaled the Gay Marriage was ready to declare same-sex marriage a "human right", as soon as enough countries fell into line. Gay Marriage 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights states that: "Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family, according to the national laws governing the exercise of this right", [59] not limiting marriage to those in a heterosexual relationship. However, the ECHR stated in Schalk and Kopf v Austria that this provision was intended to limit marriage to heterosexual relationships, as it used the term "men and women" instead of "everyone".
On 12 Marchthe European Parliament passed a non-binding resolution encouraging EU institutions and member states to "[reflect] on the recognition of same-sex marriage or same-sex civil union as a political, social and human and civil rights issue". On 5 Junethe European Court of Justice Gay Marriage, in a case from Romaniathat, under the specific conditions of the couple in question, married same-sex couples have the same residency rights as other married couples in an EU country, even if that country does not permit or recognize same-sex marriage.

The landmark ruling was fully binding on Costa Rica and set binding precedent in the other signatory countries. The Court recommended that governments issue temporary decrees legalizing same-sex marriage until new legislation is brought in.]
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