Marketing Concept and Process -

Marketing Concept and Process

Marketing Concept and Process - casually

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to marketing:. Marketing — social and managerial processes by which products, services, and value are exchanged in order to fulfill individuals' or groups' needs and wants. These processes include, but are not limited to, advertising , promotion , distribution , and product management. Marketers may sell goods or services directly to consumers, known as business to customer B2C marketing ; commercial organizations known as business to business marketing or B2B , to government ; to not-for-profit organizations Not-for-profit organization NFP or some combination of any of these. Exchange , the act of giving or taking one thing of value in return for another is central to marketing activities. Not all exchange involves Financial transactions , but may also involve barter , contra dealing or other form of trade. The object of exchange can include: Goods ; services or experiences ; concepts or ideas ; causes and may even involve celebrity marketing.

Opinion, interesting: Marketing Concept and Process

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Marketing Concept and Process

You may remember Neil from the activity: 4 university friend catch up, in this activity we revisit Neil and his business — it may pay to revisit the earlier activity.


With time he has built up a reputation of being a triple bottom line expert. The SMB forum panel is made up of a Maddison — a finance consultant, Frank — a management consultant, Graham — an IT consultant, and Neil as the marketing consultant — Marketing Concept and Process the panel host — Robyn. A few weeks after the forum one of the other panel members, Maddison, approached Neil with a business proposition. Scenario: The panel host, Robyn, welcomes Marketing Concept and Process forum attendees and acknowledges that each person may be contemplating a new business or recently started a new venture. Robyn, then welcomes the 4 panel members, introduces the panel members and outlines the area of expertise of each panel member. She then invites each panel member to provide their specific business advice to attendees who may be contemplating a new business or have recently started a new venture. The first panel member was Maddison who provided finance advice outlining the 3 most common mistakes that startups make and how to avoid these mistakes, Frank then provided 5 tips for effective management.

The first two panel members had stayed on track. Although, in everyday conversations most referred to it as digital marketing, Neil preferred to think in more holistic sense as marketing through technology — software as a service and if you were marketing technology products then that would be marketing of technology.

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Neil contemplate the question and decided to leave his daydreaming semantics for another time maybe with Bernadette, Claire, and Joseph — his friends from uni. However, If you are considering starting a business then I think that there are a number of more pressing considerations that need to be explored. Sure — human needs have changed little in 12, years, however, the dreams, desires, and demands of consumers are continually evolving. Therefore, success in business is firstly about understanding the Marketing Concept and Process needs of the people you will serve, then understanding their dreams, desires, and demands. Furthermore, understanding that what was true yesterday, may not be true today, and probably not true tomorrow.

In fact, what was a strength yesterday may be a tomorrow.

Concepts And Process Of Marketing

So my advice is never assume you know your customer or the market. What is best satisfying and for whom is critical as this is the basis of designing and Proces a unique product value proposition. Keep in mind, what may be a best satisfying product for one customer group may not be Marketing Concept and Process satisfying for another. Therefore, attracting the wrong customers may provide a short-term gain but long-term pain. Dissatisfied customers suck the life out of a business — the costs Marketinng recovery and the effects of negative word of mouth. You need to be crystal clear on who Marketing Concept and Process are best satisfying and avoid the rest.

This is especially relevant today where consumers can name and shame on social media. Maddison, from a finance perspective what are your thoughts. So if you wish to start a business and remain a micro business, which is entirely fine, then your unique product value proposition should be directed towards maximising your income. If, however, you wish to grow the business, you may need to adapt your unique product value proposition and adapt your target market selection.

Marketing Concept and Process

Keep in mind your target market must be read more to sustain Peocess growth objectives without Markeying reliance on discounting, and constant sales promotions. Also, in established businesses I recommend that all bonuses link to sale people are contingent on achieving predetermined customer satisfaction objectives. Frank what are your thoughts? But, digital marketing is not really my area of expertise. The panel host thanks Frank and provides a summary — 1] Be skeptical but not recalcitrant, 2] external quality begins with internal quality, 3] think outside the box regarding the use of technology 4] plan or Marketing Concept and Process.

Could you give me any advice? I am sure that if you wish specific business advice our 4 panel members would be welcome you as a client. On that note, please join us for tea, coffee, and a chat in the hotel foyer and if you found today insightful please follow us on ….

Marketing Concept and Process

Neil, Frank, and Maddison are walking to the hotel foyer when an attendee click up a conversation. Most of my efforts are spent providing software solutions to enable good businesses to be more effective and efficient. Two weeks later Neil receives a text from Maddison asking if she could buy him a coffee. He suggests the coffee shop near his office.]

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