Aristotle and Nicomachean Ethics -

Aristotle and Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle and Nicomachean Ethics.

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Aristotle advocates a life that oscillates Niicomachean the mean i. It is clear that Aristotle approach to happiness differs slightly from a onetime feeling or experience. He, however, introduces the concept of how one is brought up. Here, Aristotle tends to associate happiness with how one responds to pain or delight.

The Nicomachean Ethics

In this respect, therefore, happiness may vary from one person to another since pain and pleasure may mean different things to different people. Aristotle and Nicomachean Ethics further describes happiness as doing things excellently. Although, he attaches the actions as a means to an end, he makes it clear that for one to be happy, he ought to do what he does on daily basis perfectly. For example, he uses a flutist who ought to play the flutes well. link

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Today, those who do their work well tend to be happy since their work produces good results. Considers a businessman who works hard and makes huge profits; such a person reaps the benefits of satisfactions that may translate to happiness.

Aristotle and Nicomachean Ethics

However, the same person at some point may make losses that would strike a balance between excess and deficiency. One can describe such a man as begin stable. Happiness would, therefore, mean being stable emotionally, financially, socially, and religiously, among other aspects of life i.

Aristotle and Nicomachean Ethics

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