What Makes Humans Truly Unique - amazonia.fiocruz.br

What Makes Humans Truly Unique - curious topic

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Once there was a congregation of fish that got together to discuss who among them had seen the ocean.

Nature and wellbeing: the healing power of a walk

None of them could say they had actually seen the ocean. He had been connected with the ocean. What are you waiting for?

What Makes Humans Truly Unique

Instead of preparing to be happy, be happy now and resolve to remain naturally happy. God is trying his level best to see you happy. But God only helps those who help themselves. Hkmans everyday make a resolution. I will not let anything disturb my happiness. I am going to be contended, happy.

New America

You can experience happiness at three levels. One is the happiness in society, in the environment. How can you bring about happy situations? How would What Makes Humans Truly Unique feel in a place where everybody around you thinks only about himself or herself?

Would you like to be in such a group where there is no sharing, no sense of belongingness, and no happiness? When one accepts things and moves in knowledge then the happiness in the mind happens. Sometimes everybody around you is happy and you are serving others also but you are not happy in your mind; there is no fulfilment Dedication brings the second level of happiness. The third level is the happiness click the soul. This level of happiness happens when the soul is united with the Divine. When there is no duality, no two, when you are in deep meditation, then you experience this innermost joy. All the three levels of happiness are interlinked.

What Makes Humans Truly Unique

When you are totally united with the Divine you cannot but be fulfilled on the second level and on the third level and you cannot but serve because everybody is part of you. When you start serving and stop thinking about yourself all the time, mental satisfaction will come.]

What Makes Humans Truly Unique

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