Confirm: The Sexual Double Standard Gender Roles
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The Sexual Double Standard Gender Roles | Making A Outreach Program Happen |
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Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. In the context of heterosexual relationships, the sexual double standard SDS leads to a more negative assessment of women than men when they exhibit the same sexual behavior.
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This work assumes that in Western democratic societies, the individual attitude toward SDS takes different forms due to the processes of conviction regarding the social norm that exists on this matter. We performed Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Dojble three-factor structure does not match with the two-factor structure of the self-referred form. Internal consistency, temporal stability and validity evidence are reported.
This version of the SDSS is reliable and valid.
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However, the results show that the context of group membership, based on education and age, is differently associated with the response to SDSS-H. That is, higher scores are found for individuals with the highest education and for the youngest participants.

We discuss the usefulness of this measure to improve the prediction of individual attitude toward SDS, as well as, to evaluate the SDS phenomenon at a level of macropsychological analysis. The sexual double standard SDS consists of judging heterosexual men and women differently for the same sexual behavior.
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As a result, the traditional SDS favors highly sexually active heterosexual men to be evaluated more positively than women who exhibit the same behavior Zaikman and Marks, The assessment of the prevalence of SDS is relevant for understanding sexual health, which is related to the ability to freely enjoy and express sexuality Lottes, In accordance with this, SDS has been associated with several sexual related issues, such as sexual victimization Sierra et al. Therefore, the study of SDS in this cultural context continues to be relevant.

Sexual liberation has gradually to the manifestation of traditional SDS to be expressed in a more subtle way in some fields. For example, premarital sex is increasingly accepted in men and women Wells and Twenge, However, the age of first sexual intercourse of men is lower than that of women Ortiz et al.

In other words, the SDS seems a pervasive phenomenon in society, but the empirical Srxual is inconsistent. On the one hand, while studies using standardized questionnaires provide evidence of the double sexual standard Crawford and Popp,studies that use a person perception task rarely show that people evaluate men and women differently based on their sexual activity Marks and Fraley, To explain the difficulty of assessing the The Sexual Double Standard Gender Roles, it has been pointed out that many empirical studies on the topic have not considered certain methodological Role e. It is also suggested that researchers should take a more theoretical approach to understanding the SDS Zaikman and Marks, A possible cause for the inconsistency observed in the prevalence of the SDS is that results obtained with different designs are sometimes used to determine the incidence of this phenomenon. In within-subject designs, participants respond to the same questions for each target targets: men and women ; thus, the direct response of the subject yields a measure of individual endorsement of the SDS Crawford and Popp, ]
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