The Nurse Manager Inventory Tool -

The Nurse Manager Inventory Tool

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Which inventory management method would be best in a healthcare setting? Which would be most expensive to use? Least expensive? The third party payer system can often extend collection periods on average it is nearly two months. Specifically, why is this a problem? There are many practices that companies use that help them at the expense of other companies. Are JIT systems one of those, or do they benefit the overall economy? What is needed for JIT systems to benefit the overall economy? That is, how can true cost savings be achieved rather than just cost shifting from purchaser to supplier? What may be a concern o f Just-in-Time inventory , that is peculiar to Healthcare? The Nurse Manager Inventory Tool

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Prevalence of depression is high among older people, but is difficult to identify and often poorly managed. Screening tools can help to ensure early referral.

The Nurse Manager Inventory Tool

Jones M Using screening tools to identify the risk or presence of depression in older people. Nursing Times ;early online publication.

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Perhaps due to its wide range of signs and symptoms, the condition remains notoriously complex to diagnose, management is typically inadequate and its prognosis is bleak. This article examines the use of screening tools for mild depression in those over 65 in primary care, to help determine whether screening would aid recognition and improve patient outcomes.

It is well acknowledged that depression is widespread Osborn et al ; Sharp and Lipsky, and is the most prevalent mental health problem for older people Age Concern The condition affects one in five people over 65 and rises to two in five in those over 85 Mental Health Foundation, A broad literature review focusing The Nurse Manager Inventory Tool depression screening in older people, which included both electronic and manual searches, highlighted four key issues:.

The Nurse Manager Inventory Tool

This suggests that byan astounding 3. The causes of depression are so wide ranging that the surge in incidence predicted by Murray and Lopez seems understandable. Reasons for the onset of depression are broad and extensive and some are listed in Box 1.

The Nurse Manager Inventory Tool

The condition has far-reaching effects, which include individual suffering and economic costs to health and social services Table 1. Depression can also have a detrimental impact on family life, as relatives may need time off work to care for family members, which can put great strain on carers Louch, The cost of the condition to society is another area of concern, partly due to informal care and growing medical costs Louch, The Nurse Manager Inventory Tool the significant problems caused by depression, it is well documented that the illness is poorly diagnosed and insufficiently treated Louch, It is frequently encountered in primary care Gilbody et al, and should be suspected if any two of the key symptoms or any of the other signs Table 1 continue for at least two weeks Mental Health Foundation, So why does depression appear to be such a complex condition to diagnose?

First, the main rationale for poor diagnosis in those over 65 appears to be due to the fact that emotions are rarely The Nurse Manager Inventory Tool during GP consultations Sharp and Lipsky, Second, the typical GP consultation time is too brief for doctors to be able to identify mood problems Sharp and Lipsky, Lastly, many GPs receive no extra training in the recognition and management of depressive disorders Clinical Standards Advisory Group, These factors may explain why GPs may not detect depression, which suggests that screening aids may be useful addition to support clinical judgement. The literature review identified the prognosis of depression as extremely unfavourable.]

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