The Importance Of Protecting The Groundwater -

The Importance Of Protecting The Groundwater

The Importance Of Protecting The Groundwater - not

Wetland conservation is aimed at protecting and preserving areas where water exists at or near the Earth's surface, such as swamps , marshes and bogs. Wetlands cover at least six per cent of the Earth and have become a focal issue for conservation due to the ecosystem services they provide. The same number of people rely on rice as their staple food, a crop grown largely in natural and artificial wetlands. In some parts of the world, such as the Kilombero wetland in Tanzania, almost the entire local population relies on wetland cultivation for their livelihoods. Fisheries are also an extremely important source of protein and income in many wetlands. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization , the total catch from inland waters rivers and wetlands was 8. They also provide valuable ecosystems for birds and other aquatic creatures, help reduce the damaging impact of floods, control pollution and regulate the climate. From economic importance, to aesthetics , the reasons for conserving wetlands have become numerous over the past few decades. Various definitions of wetlands exist. The Importance Of Protecting The Groundwater.

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India is facing increasingly dire water situation. With increasing water use and more erratic monsoons, per capita water availability in the country is progressively decreasing. This is particularly significant because the overwhelming majority of the population depends on groundwater for its domestic water needs; for crores of people water is a source of constant worry in a context where water tables are Grundwater falling and water quality rapidly diminishing.

It is also a concern for irrigators since the bulk of irrigation today depends on groundwater.

The Importance Of Protecting The Groundwater

Juxtaposed against this water scarcity challenge is a crisis of abundance reflected in the frequent floods that afflict several states on a regular basis. However, the most critical challenge of all is that of governance of water. On the one hand, the governance of water is organized largely around laws and institutions tasked with allocating and regulating use of water among various claimants. On the other hand, water protection is seen as an environmental mandate that remains largely distinct from water governance, even though water is an integral part of environmental governance. This makes for poor outcomes since protecting water is necessary to ensure availability today and in the future and thus conditions water use.

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The failure to effectively protect water is an increasingly significant cause of conflicts among different water users. The challenge of water governance primarily emerges from an inappropriate and insufficient legal framework. This challenge can be broken into different components.

As this brief description highlights, there are vast gaps between regulation and practice, as well gaps between the existing parts of the regulatory framework. Https:// issues have been critical concerns in the water sector and policymakers at different levels have tried to address them.

This has led to various law-making initiatives at the state and central levels. In keeping with the constitutional mandate, states have adopted a number of water laws over the past couple of decades.

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This is commendable since it reflects a recognition that a number of issues can only be effectively addressed if legislation Prohecting adopted. At the same time, states have generally not engaged independently in developing new water laws and have tended to react to policy priorities set elsewhere. The resultant patchwork of laws does not necessarily address the most critical issues. The new government needs to focus, in particular, on two initiatives: a framework water legislation and a model groundwater law. Both Prootecting The Importance Of Protecting The Groundwater have been in the making since the beginning of the decade, having been proposed and developed by the last two governments at the Centre.

They need a much stronger push to ensure a strong legal framework for water that allows India to face the challenges of the s. The medley of water laws that exist in most states is deficient in that these laws are not centred around any set of principles governing the water sector as a whole.

The Importance Of Protecting The Groundwater

Principles have been laid down by the higher judiciary over time but they have not been enshrined in legislation. This is a gap that impedes effective governance of water and prevents water conflicts from being resolved on bases that are clear for all users. In the absence of framework legislation in any state, the Planning Commission of India took the initiative of drafting such a law in There is a strong need to ensure that all water and all water uses are governed by the same principles, and that protection and use principles are clearly linked.

The Importance Of Protecting The Groundwater

The new government must ensure that this draft is taken up and adopted so that the country is better prepared to face the increasing number of water crises that are likely to a number of states Grkundwater the s.

Groundwater is and will remain the primary source of water for most water uses for many years.]

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