Fitness Components Of Golf -

Fitness Components Of Golf

Golf is a game of precision. In order to be precise with every swing of the club and hit of the ball, golfers must have proper body form and technique. In addition, golfers must have great kinesthetic awareness, which comes from muscular strength, endurance and flexibility.

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A successful fitness plan will help the golfer meet his goals. The components of golf fitness are well-rounded and include flexibility training, golf specific strength training, core training, aerobic conditioning and a diet and nutrition plan. Flexibility training is possibly the most undervalued, yet most important component of golf conditioning. Flexibility can be defined as the range of motion about a joint and its surrounding muscles during a movement.


By increasing the joint range of motion, performance may be enhanced and the risk of injury reduced. The rationale for this is that a limb can move further before an injury occurs.

Fitness Components Of Golf

Flexibility training has many benefits such as correcting muscle imbalances, increasing range of motion, relieving joint stress, promoting muscle relaxation and enhancing kinesthetic awareness. One important result of strength training is increased physical performance. Muscles use energy in order to produce movement.

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When we strength train, we increase the muscle size, strength and endurance. Having increased body strength, not bulk, enhances your golf game by improving the force of your swing. The power of the golf swing is directly influenced by the core muscles and rotation of your hips. A stronger core allows the hips to turn faster in your swing increasing the length of your drives and iron shots.

These golf muscles play a critical role in increasing clubhead speed.

Fitness Components Of Golf

Clubhead speed is created when the golfer delivers impact on the ball. Training the power house of the body Fitneas achieve more force in the golf swing is much different than going into a gym and lifting weights or using the machines.

Golf is dynamic and involves balance, coordination, stability and body awareness.]

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