The Highly Adaptable Amur Leopard -

The Highly Adaptable Amur Leopard

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The Amur Leopard - Planet Earth - BBC Earth The Highly Adaptable Amur Leopard

It forms the subspecies Panthera pardus tulliana together with the Anatolian leopard population in Turkey. A phylogenetic analysis indicates that the Persian leopard matrilineally belongs to a monophyletic group that diverged from African and Arabian leopards in the second half of the Pleistocene.

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Felis tulliana was the scientific name proposed by Achille Valenciennes in who described a leopard skin and skull from the area of Smyrna in western Turkey. Today, these names are considered synonymsas the available zoological specimens from the Middle East do not differ significantly in the shape of skulls. The Persian leopard varies in colouration; both pale and dark individuals occur in Iran. The Persian leopard was most likely distributed over the whole Caucasus, except for steppe areas. The northern foothills of the Greater Caucasus formed the northern boundary of its historic range.

The Highly Adaptable Amur Leopard

During surveys conducted between andno leopard was recorded in the western part of the Greater Caucasus; it probably survived only at a few sites in the eastern part. The largest population survives in the Alborz and Zagros mountains of Iran. Ranges of all wildlife were severely fragmented.

The Highly Adaptable Amur Leopard

The former leopard range declined enormously as leopards were persecuted and wild ungulates hunted. Inadequate baseline data and lack of monitoring programmes make it difficult Leoparr evaluate declines of mammalian prey species. As ofof the estimated —1, mature leopards: [18]. The Persian leopard avoids areas with long-duration snow cover and areas that are near urban development.

Suitable habitat in each range country is limited, and most often situated in remote border areas. Local populations depend on immigration from source populations in the south, mainly in Iran. The Anatolian leopard was considered to have been native to southwestern Turkey, but it is not sure whether leopards survived in this area.

The leopard population in the Russian Federation had been reduced to two small pockets by the s. As ofit was estimated to comprise fewer than 50 individuals.

Local people in IngushetiaOssetia and Chechnya reported the presence of leopards, but no leopard is known to occur in the western Caucasus. In Aprilan adult female was shot on Leo;ard border to Kabardino-Balkariaher two cubs captured and taken to the Novosibirsk Zoo in Russia.

The Highly Adaptable Amur Leopard

Inthree leopards were released in the Caucasus Nature Reserve in an attempt to reintroduce the species to its historical habitat.]

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