The Characters Of The Outsiders In The -

The Characters Of The Outsiders In The

The Characters Of The Outsiders In The Video

The Outsiders cast Then and now

The Characters Of The Outsiders In The - speaking, opinion

Answers 1. German Ryan 3 July, 0. Yes they are complex characters because they have a "soft side" and a tough side. Know the Answer? Not Sure About the Answer? If so, what makes them complex? What makes them Try a smart search to find answers to similar questions. The Characters Of The Outsiders In The

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What other characters are like the characters in The Outsiders? Https:// I have a school project where I have to find characters from other books or movies that are similar in character to characters in The Outsiders. Here are the characters that I still need:. Thank you all for helping me! The movie "Stand By Me" comes to mind, it has some similarities to Outsiders. I

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For example, the main character Gordie is a lot like Pony because he is a writer and the story is told from his point of view. The movie is also based on a short story called "The Body" by Stephen King, in case you haven't read it or seen the movie.

Otherwise, I think it's pretty hard. It's such a unique book, I'm surprised there aren't many examples I can name off the top of my head that even try to replicate what it did. Hope this helped. Does it have to be a book?

The Characters Of The Outsiders In The

I don't know if you've seen this show, but it's called Gilmore Girls. Pony is like Rory: Shy Ishsmart, caring and a good friend.

The Characters Of The Outsiders In The

Dallas is like Jess: Acts tough but has a heart, good friend, smart.]

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