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These enzyme -catalyzed reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. The word metabolism can also refer to the sum of all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms, including digestion and the transport of substances into and between different cells, in which case the above described set of reactions within the cells is called intermediary metabolism or intermediate metabolism. In various diseases, such as type II diabetesmetabolic syndromeand cancernormal metabolism is disrupted.
Metabolic reactions may be categorized as catabolic — the breaking down of compounds for example, the breaking down of glucose to pyruvate by The Cause Of Genetic Information Being Transferred respiration ; or anabolic — the building up synthesis of compounds such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Usually, catabolism releases energy, and anabolism consumes energy. The chemical reactions of metabolism are organized into metabolic pathwaysin which one chemical is transformed through source series of steps into another chemical, each step being facilitated by a specific enzyme.
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Enzymes are crucial to metabolism because they allow organisms to drive desirable reactions that require energy that will not occur by themselves, by coupling them to spontaneous reactions that release energy. Enzymes act as catalysts — they allow a reaction to proceed more rapidly — and they also allow the regulation of the rate of a metabolic reaction, for example in response to changes in the cell's environment or to signals from other cells.
The metabolic system of a particular organism determines which substances it will find nutritious and which poisonous. For example, some prokaryotes use hydrogen sulfide as a nutrient, yet this gas is poisonous to animals. A striking feature of metabolism is the similarity of the basic metabolic pathways among vastly different species.
Most of the structures that Thee up animals, plants and microbes are made from four basic classes of molecule : amino acidscarbohydratesnucleic acid and lipids often called fats. As these molecules are vital for life, metabolic reactions either focus on making these molecules during the construction of cells and tissues, link by breaking them down and using them as a source of energy, by their digestion. Oc biochemicals can be joined together to make polymers such as DNA and proteinsessential macromolecules of life. Proteins are made of amino acids arranged in a linear chain joined together by peptide bonds. Many proteins are enzymes that catalyze the chemical reactions in metabolism. Other proteins have structural or mechanical functions, such as those that form the cytoskeletona system of scaffolding that maintains the cell shape.
Lipids are the most diverse group of biochemicals.
Their main structural uses are as part of biological membranes both internal and external, such as the cell membraneor as a source of energy. Steroids such as sterol are another major class of lipids. Carbohydrates are aldehydes or ketoneswith many hydroxyl groups attached, that can exist as straight chains or rings. Carbohydrates are the most abundant biological molecules, and fill numerous roles, such as the storage and transport of energy starchglycogen and structural components cellulose The Cause Of Genetic Information Being Transferred plants, chitin in animals. Monosaccharides can be linked together to form polysaccharides in almost limitless ways.
Each nucleotide is composed of a phosphate attached to a ribose or deoxyribose sugar group which is attached to a nitrogenous base. Nucleic acids are critical for the storage and use of genetic information, and its interpretation through the processes of transcription and protein biosynthesis. Individual nucleosides are made by attaching a nucleobase to a ribose sugar. These bases are heterocyclic rings containing nitrogen, classified as purines or pyrimidines. Nucleotides also act as coenzymes in metabolic-group-transfer reactions.
Metabolism involves a vast array of chemical reactions, but most fall under a few basic types of reactions that involve the transfer of functional groups of atoms and their bonds within molecules. Each class of group-transfer reactions is carried out by a particular coenzyme, which is the substrate for a set of enzymes that produce it, and a set of enzymes that consume it.]
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