The American Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina -

The American Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina - thought

Even now, fifteen years after Katrina, New Orleans has not fully recovered, in population and otherwise. It is the natural port for the vast interior of the country, from the Rockies to the Appalachians. In its immediate vicinity are many natural resources: rich soil for growing rice and sugarcane, and plenty of cotton, sulfur, seafood, and, beginning in the early twentieth century, oil. But New Orleans peaked, relative to other American cities, back in , and has been losing ground ever since. Half of the city is below sea level; only a relatively small portion, the section that was originally settled, is habitable by traditional definitions. The city is surrounded by an endless borderland that shifts between river, marsh, swamp, and ocean. Katrina was only one of a long series of hurricanes that have struck near the mouth of the Mississippi. In New Orleans, civic monumentalism was always bound up in the racial order—consider the Confederate statues that the city built, in the early twentieth century, and only recently removed—but not every expression of it was explicitly racial. Another important project, from the same period, was the creation of an elaborate system of drains and pumps, supervised by an engineer named A.

For: The American Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina

The American Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina 3 days ago · disaster hurricane katrina and the failure of homeland security Dec 08, Posted By Wilbur Smith Library TEXT ID db5 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library gebruiken zodat we verbeteringen kunnen aanbrengen en om advertenties weer te geven disaster hurricane katrina and the failure of homeland security cooper christopher. 6 days ago · A different way of looking at disasters. Hurricane Katrina left me with a very different way of looking at disasters; increasingly, I focused on where the disaster actually Elizabeth Mossop. 3 hours ago · Hurricane Katrina was one of the deadliest hurricanes ever to hit the United States. Natural calamities struck earth as a natural process which started since the inception of earth. S. hurricane on record and one of the worst natural disasters in U. Facts and Information About the Devastating Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina: Facts, Damage.
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The American Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina Video

PBS predicted Hurrican Katrina disaster The American Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina.

As the climate changes, floods and extreme rainfall events will become more intense. In many cases, the most disadvantaged people are at highest risk from floods and least able to bounce back when their homes and businesses are inundated.

A different way of looking at disasters

Much of my work in its aftermath focused on finding new ways to allow the city to better absorb water, reducing flood risk and easing pressure on drainage systems. By designing parks, open space and public infrastructure to hold excess water when flood strikes. That means better control of where floodwater ends up, reducing the risk to lives and property. Read more: Disaster season is here — do you have a Resilience Action Plan? Here's how the small town of Tarnagulla built theirs.

The American Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina

The American Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina left me with a very different way Nstural looking at disasters; increasingly, I focused on where the disaster actually sits. For instance, the disaster was not Hurricane Katrina itself but the catastrophic failure of the New Orleans levee system. In an undeveloped, naturally vegetated area, rain moves slowly; canopies and the naturally porous ground surface deflect and absorb the water.

When the surface is Diaster or impermeable, however, water cannot be absorbed; it runs off quickly and collects in large quantities downstream. Our traditional approach has been to collect rainwater in gutters and move it quickly and efficiently downstream. But this deprives plants, animals and soil of much-needed water that would otherwise be absorbed.

It also raises the question: how do we dispose of large volumes of water when they collect in inconvenient places? As these problems compound, we have to design larger and larger systems to try to dispose of the water. And when flooding overwhelms the system, the consequences can be deadly.

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Traditionally, we have tried to armour rivers and waterfronts with levees, barriers and sea walls to keep all floodwaters out. Increasingly, however, planners, designers and engineers are looking to new approaches. Instead of trying to keep all floodwaters out, we can design landscapes to Dusaster the water without damaging cities or farmland. Read more: Design for flooding: how cities can make room for water.

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The Room for the River Project in the Netherlands began in after serious flooding threatened the Source delta at the end of the 20th century. The project which encompasses the Rhine, the Meuse, the Waal and the IJssel redesigns the river and floodplain by moving dikes further out and lowering floodplains and groynes.

The American Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina

A similar approach has been adopted in other places, such as the US state of Vermont. Using a similar approach at a smaller scale, we can design cities to accommodate floods. Link the Victoria Park neighbourhood in the Sydney suburb of Zetland was developed in the late s, all its public spaces, streets and open space were designed with an integrated water management system in mind.

All park spaces were lowered to hold water after storms. Special vegetated channels called swales were constructed to slow down and absorb water. Rainwater Diswster into this underground basin has been filtered through the plants and soil of the swales, and is then re-used in local water features and for irrigation.

Slow rain, fast rain

All these adjustments mean the area can flood in a way that causes minor inconvenience rather than disruption. By controlling where floodwater collects, we can reduce the damage. Read more: Higher density in a flood zone?

Here's a way to do it and reduce the risks.]

The American Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina

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