Memory And Memory Of Memory -

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How We Make Memories: Crash Course Psychology #13

Memory And Memory Of Memory - and have

T he ethnic cleansing and ongoing colonization of Palestine are a war not only against bodies, ecosystems, and livelihoods but against memory itself. This war against memory takes many explicit forms: from the casual denial of Palestinian existence embedded into political and legal rhetoric within the ethno-supremacist states of israel and america to the ongoing censorship and destruction of Palestinian historical records within israeli archives. Within this settler-colonial apparatus that institutionalizes, and hence suppresses, the implementation and accessing of Palestinian memory, what room, if any, is there for Palestinian voices within anglophone—and american in particular—literature? And, especially, what room is there for authors not engaging with explicitly nationalized narratives but instead reckoning with Palestinian erasure on a level of the vernacular, implicit form, and the institutionalization of language in the american nationalist project? Against this backdrop, it is not surprising that a flourishing of literary representations of Palestine that reckon with complications in historical memory has lately emerged from within Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora. Memory And Memory Of Memory

Recently I came across a strange case: the memory usage of my program exceeded the maximum value intended for the heap. Even after running GC, part of the memory was not free. After reviewing and profiling my code several times, I found an interesting issue.

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Before diving into the problem, let's look at Java memory concepts. JVM divides memory into two major spaces, heap and native memory.

Memory And Memory Of Memory

Heap spaces are used for allocating Java objects whereas native memory is the memory available to the OS. There is Memory And Memory Of Memory key difference between Java 7 and 8 in the memory management model. Java 7 has PermGen; PermGen is the memory area in the heap that is used by the JVM to store class metadata, static content, primitive variables. Part of native memory is assigned to the C heap; the C heap is space that used by native C programs in Java programs.

NMT is a memory tracking tool used to monitor the native Menory usage of the program. You can access NMT data using jcmd utility.

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For link and tracking memory changes during execution you should use the following command:. I also executed these commands in chronological order :. I tried to execute the command jcmd VM. In the previous part, I said my native memory grows over time, and I was sure I have no native code in my program, but then what is Memory And Memory Of Memory problem? I started tracing the program at the same time as monitoringand I found an interesting thing: there was a usage of java. Once I reached this code the usage of native memory increased significantly. The problem was clear; this package classes internally and uses native codes.]

Memory And Memory Of Memory

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