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Structural Violence And Its Effects On The Video

We can’t achieve peace without addressing structural violence - Temi Mwale - TEDxWarwick

From the beginning up to the late ninetieth century, the only type of mass media was literature.

Structural Violence And Its Effects On The

One of the notable changes around the twentieth and twentieth-first centuries has been the saturation of people daily lives the mass media. According to Ana Homayoun, teens spend around nine hours on social Th every day. Nowadays, it is not just the fact of people having a lousy friend who is likely to be exposed to bad things when they go out together.

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The development of electronic media have made much harder to protect people from the threats and have revealed many of them to risks that few people might have already been through. Through these messages, the mass media might have a strong influence on individual behavior, values, and views, as well as Efvects shaping national character and culture. People may have different things in their mind when they think of media violence. Similarly, with the public, there can be little consensus on what constitutes a violent media and violent behavior.

Structural Violence And Its Effects On The

Children readily embrace the behavior of the characters, which they see as heroic, courageous, and useful. In order to have any sustenance at all, it was first necessary to find out whether or not adolescents took what was seen on television, played on video games, or heard in music and applied such to everyday life situations.

This article, from The New York Times, described several studied and experiences on teenagers about the effect of violent media.

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They did approximately studies related to the relation between the media violence and actual behavior H. Eric Bender, Praveen R. Kambam and Vasilis Shructural. Pozios, paragraphs 5 and 7. Many of their researches confirm the link between the immense viewing of television violence and negative behavioral implications. In scenes of violence, this point of view clarifies how the scene affects the viewer, and whether he or she relates to and shares the experience with the attacker or with the victim. If the viewer shares the experience of the victim, he or she, in turn, feel helpless, afraid, powerless, less valuable, and may experience rage because of the attack.

Structural Violence And Its Effects On The

Meanwhile, consumers who associate themselves with the attacker, share the felt experience of power, control, domination, and respect Hyman,p. The amount of violence influential is not the only one, but the context and relationships portrayed through scenes of violence may have severe effects on the viewers. There have been many studies which confirm the link that violence portrayed through the media can influence the level of audacity in the behavioral patterns of children and adults American Academy of Pediatrics, The authors show that it is hard to measure the effects of the media on adolescents.

Expert's Answer

They agree that the media is a potent vehicle of attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, norms, social, and occupational roles, values, and beliefs. Now that it has been thoroughly sorted through, one of many, studies that showed positive results for children, It should be necessary to find out if adolescents spent a significant amount of time viewing, and or playing with Structurak or listening to crude media. Nassau, Balvinder K.]

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