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The Catholic Churchsometimes referred to as the Roman Catholic Churchis the largest Christian churchwith approximately 1. Peteris the chief pastor of the church, [9] entrusted with the universal Petrine ministry of unity and correction. The church's administration, the Holy Seeis in the Vatican Citya tiny read more of Romeof which the pope is head of state. The core beliefs of Catholicism are found in the Nicene Creed. The Catholic Church teaches that it is the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church founded by Jesus Christ in his Great Commission[10] [11] [note 1] that its bishops are the successors of Christ's apostlesand that the pope is the successor to Saint Peterupon whom primacy was conferred by Jesus Christ. Of its seven sacramentsthe Eucharist is Sexual Abuse Is Long Lasting And Follow principal one, celebrated liturgically in the Mass.

The Catholic Church operates thousands of Catholic schoolshospitalsand orphanages around the world, and is the largest non-government provider of education and health care in the world. The Catholic Church has influenced Western philosophycultureartmusic and science. Catholics live all over the world through missionsdiasporaand conversions. Since the 20th century the majority reside in the southern hemispheredue to secularization in Europe, and increased persecution in the Middle East.

The Catholic Church shared communion with the Eastern Orthodox Church until the East—West Schism indisputing particularly the authority of the pope. In the 16th century, the Reformation led to Protestantism also breaking away. From the late 20th century, the Catholic Church has been criticized for its teachings on sexualityits inability to ordain womenand its handling of sexual abuse cases involving clergy. Since the East—West Schism ofthe Eastern Church has taken the adjective "Orthodox" as its distinctive epithet however, its official name continues to be the "Orthodox Catholic Church" [27] and the Western Church in communion with the Holy See has similarly taken "Catholic", keeping that description also after the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, when those who ceased to be in communion became known as "Protestants".

While the "Roman Church" has been used to describe the pope's Diocese of Rome since the Fall of the Western Roman Empire and into the Early Middle Ages 6th—10th centurythe "Roman Catholic Church" has been applied to the Sexual Abuse Is Long Lasting And Follow church in the English language since the Protestant Reformation in the late 16th century. The name "Catholic Church" is also used in the documents of the Second Vatican Council —[31] the First Vatican Council —[32] the Council of Trent —[33] and numerous other official documents. The Christian religion is based on the teachings of Jesus Christwho lived and preached in the 1st century AD in the province of Judea of the Roman Empire. Catholic theology teaches that the contemporary Catholic Church is the continuation of this early Christian community established by Jesus. Emperor Constantine legalized the practice Sexual Abuse Is Long Lasting And Follow Christianity inand it became the state religion from Non Intrusive Treatment For Medical Science idea Germanic invaders of Roman territory in the 5th and 6th centuries, many of whom had previously adopted Arian Christianityeventually adopted Catholicism to ally themselves with the papacy and the monasteries.

In the 7th and 8th centuries, expanding Muslim conquests following the advent of Islam led to an Arab domination of the Mediterranean that severed political connections between that area and northern Europe, and weakened cultural connections between Rome and the Byzantine Click. Conflicts involving authority in the churchparticularly the authority of the Https:// of Rome finally culminated in the East—West Schism in the 11th century, splitting the church into the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.

Sexual Abuse Is Long Lasting And Follow

Earlier splits within the church occurred after the Council of Ephesus and the Council of Chalcedon However, a few Eastern Churches remained in communion with Rome, and portions of some others established communion in the 15th century and later, forming what are called the Eastern Catholic Churches. Early monasteries throughout Europe helped preserve Greek and Roman classical civilization.

The church eventually became the dominant influence in Western civilization into the modern age.

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Many Renaissance figures were sponsored by the church. The 16th century, however, began to see challenges to the church, in particular to its religious authority, by figures in the Protestant Reformationas well as in the 17th century by secular intellectuals in the Enlightenment. Concurrently, Spanish and Portuguese explorers and missionaries spread the church's influence through Africa, Asia, and the New World. Inthe First Vatican Council declared the dogma of papal infallibility and the Kingdom of Italy annexed the city of Rome, the last portion Ladting the Papal States to be incorporated into the new nation. In the 20th century, anti-clerical governments around the world, including Mexico and Spain, persecuted or executed thousands of clerics and laypersons.

Sexual Abuse Is Long Lasting And Follow

In the Second World War, the church condemned Nazism, and protected hundreds of thousands of Jews from the Holocaust ; its efforts, however, have been criticized as inadequate. After the war, freedom of religion was severely restricted in the Communist countries newly aligned with the Soviet Unionseveral of which had large Catholic populations. In the s, the Second Vatican Council led to reforms of the church's liturgy and practices, described as Lpng the windows" by defenders, but criticized by traditionalist Catholics.]

Sexual Abuse Is Long Lasting And Follow

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