Review Of I Know Why The Caged -

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Review Of I Know Why The Caged Appreciation Of A Novel By Barbara Kruger
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Review Of I Know Why The Caged 6 days ago · I review the resilient autobiography I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings - By Maya Angelou. Snippet from JRtheP - Ep # - 27/8/* If you are purchasing thi. 17 hours ago · I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Book Review The language is Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is (a) informal and colloquial and (b) general and abstract. In terms of the first attribute of the text's language, Angelou narrates her. Feb 02,  · I review the resilient autobiography I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings - By Maya Angelou. Snippet from JRtheP - Ep # - 27/8/
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Author: Created by A Chancer. Created: Oct 8, Updated: Sep 5, Read more. Report a problem. This resource is designed for UK teachers. View US version. View more. Author: Created by A Chancer Preview. Review Of I Know Why The Caged

Her inspirational coming of age story is filled with many defeats that shaped her into the independent and compassionate woman she became. After reading this book, I found there to be many meaningful areas that opened up my eyes and made me think again about my own Revies and professional development. In my opinion, the parts that dealt with these various issues were most meaningful because they are controversial issues that Angelou was courageous enough to write about.

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This part of the book foreshadows the rest of the Knoww events that will occur throughout the novel. For instance, the time when Angelou goes to the dentist with her Momma, the dentist says he would rather stick Www22222222222222222222 hand in the mouth of a dog than in her mouth. She does not speak for five years because of this sexual assault. Later on, when her silence is broken, Angelou is involved with a violent attack. Throughout the book Angelou feels alone because she has insecurities about the way that she looks and the color of her skin.

Her loneliness is drawn out more after she is raped because she puts the blame on herself. Throughout her childhood, Angelou experienced things that she should have never had to experience.

Review Of I Know Why The Caged

It is admirable to think that with so many negatives in ones life Angelou was able to become such a successful person. Maya Angelou turned out to be successful even through her harsh childhood. I then question myself about what is stopping myself from developing in such way with a normal childhood.

Upon finishing I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, I took Thf many reasons why this book will help my personal and professional development. I never experienced a traumatic childhood quite the way Angelou did. Therefore, I should be more thankful for the loving family I have, the non-prejudice community I live in, my safety, and my college education.

If Angelou was as victorious as she was all while enduring major hardships, then there is no excuse for me not to be.

This book has also taught me, even though I may not see it, that Ot do go through hardships. For example, when Angelou took a vow of silence after her rape, no one understood why she was doing it. There is always a reason for why a person acts in the way that they do.

As a professional, I will do my best not to judge anyone on the outside because I have no idea what goes on in their personal life. As a future occupational therapist, I will try to have my clients open up to me. Therefore, I can find out what is going on in their personal life and not judge them, but help them instead.

Review Of I Know Why The Caged

I may have an impact on a clients life just by giving them an equal opportunity. There are many questions I raised and areas that I would like to learn more about upon finishing the autobiography of Maya Angelou. The novel ends in a positive picture of Maya with her newborn son. She, after all, was involved with the civil rights movement of the s, and published many famous works of literature. Was it hard for her as an African American woman to achieve so much while facing racism and sexism?

Lastly, how does her story end? My response to this novel is a positive one. The most meaningful part of this book is Revies way that Angelou was able to find herself while enduring major conflicts such as racism, sexism, violence, and loneliness. In her wn words she did encounter many defeats, but that did not stop her from being the best that she could be.

For that reason Maya Angelou is Cagef inspiration and a role model. From reading this book I know now that I am capable Review Of I Know Why The Caged developing myself more personally and professionally.

I have not encountered many defeats in my life but if I were I know that I can brave the storm and not be defeated, just like Angelou was not. References Angelou, M. I know why the caged bird sings. Douglass, F. The norton anthology of african american literature.]

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