Forensic Science And The Criminal Justice System -

Forensic Science And The Criminal Justice System - pity, that

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George Shultz, a former US secretary of state who significantly shaped foreign policy in the late 20th Century, has died at Sciencce age of The Hoover Institution, where Mr Schultz worked as a distinguished fellow, said the statesman had been instrumental "in changing the direction of history by using the tools of diplomacy to bring the Cold War to an end".

Hoover Institution Director Condoleezza Rice - a former secretary of state herself - said: "Our colleague was a American statesman and a true patriot in every sense of the word. In the s he held senior academic posts and worked in the Eisenhower administration as economic adviser. InRonald Reagan made Mr Shultz his secretary of state.

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In the Reagan White House, notorious for infighting, Mr Shultz was one of the least controversial figures, cultivating ties with allies and enemies. A few years later, the Soviet Union collapsed. Mr Schultz also was involved in talks with Iran in the s. In an interview with the BBC inthe diplomat suggested Iran was "a tough customer" to deal with.

The Iranians are good at "smiling, encouraging you on and then cutting your here, he said. In an opinion piece for the Washington Post to mark the occasion, Mr Shultz reflected on the lessons he had learned over his life in politics. When trust was not in the room, good things did not happen. Liz Cheney, the third-ranking House GOP leader, said Sunday she was undeterred by a censure from Wyoming Republicans and criticism from some House colleagues over her vote to impeach Donald Trump, and will not resign or back off her repudiation of the former president.

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Trump's trial in the Senate begins Tuesday. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich. Cheney, I might get her in trouble.

Forensic Science And The Criminal Justice System

Pat Toomey, R-Pa. She also was critical of her House colleagues for standing behind Rep.]

Forensic Science And The Criminal Justice System

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